
If you ever want to get involved, look up “Smogon”, that’s the online competitive website that has a lot of helpful info. Also look up some Competitive Pokemon youtubers, like Verlisify who frequently show off interesting competitive teams. There’s a lot of resources out there, you just got to find it.

Honestly? My favorite change is the Move Tutor that can give a Trevenant Skill Swap and Trick, making Shiny and HA hunting sooooo much easier.

I applaud trying to play devils advocate, but unfortuantly that isn’t a reasonable reason. If you want to prevent cheesing, all you need to do is alter... whatever resource you get from arcade mode. Easy gives you 75%, Hard gives 200%, Extra Hard gives 350%. That way, grinding the easy one will be lackluster and take

“What? Listen to some podcast that isn’t ours? Fuck that, just give me the buzz words and we’ll print something” - How I feel this all went down. If nothing else, free publicity for the podcast right?

Ah yes... Goldshire...

Was going to say something similar. Disney has no fault in how the management at Gazillion handled this clusterfuck. I doubt even they wanted something like this after having to deal with EA being shit heads too.

Here’s the thing: As far as I can tell, there’s no mention on whether the game is good or not. Just that if you don’t pre-order, the store might not have it when you arrive.

It was more then just the cost, but also the news on Arcade Mode: apparently if you played enough, you couldn’t earn the in-game currency until after a timer expired, and it only got longer each time (not to mention you couldn’t earn money if you went offline for any reason, which was something promised in the AMA).


This..... may actually make me interested in pvp for the first time ever. God, imagine if they found some way to do this single player wise?

I just hope we can still solo low level raids.... if we can’t, there WILL be an uproar.

WEEEEEELP NOW I’M BUYING IT. Proof all you need to make me buy a pokemon game is some good ol’ Team Rocket.

I will never understand the demonization of mini-maps.

. x . i like default controls...

Considering all the Vex in the trailer and potential time travel bullshit, I can see Mercury being not as torn apart.

At least I can take solace in the fact I didn’t even know this was a thing until just now.

Better goddamn include some PC updates that make it easier to talk to LITERALLY THE PEOPLE RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. Like, shit, can you not team up in open world zones?

You remember that MMO “Defiance” by Trion? It’s like a mix of that and Borderlands, but prettier. If you like the gear grind, it’s fun, but the actual difference in characters is lacking imo. I’ve only played the Warlock so far, but all subclass upgrades feel same-ish outside of their Ult Changing one.

......this is what “Evil” looks like in human form, isn’t it?

I know this may seem silly, but this was 100% the right thing to do. It may seem silly to people within the Smash community, but to someone like me who didn’t even know people were even using CRTs for something like this... well, I went “the fuck?” when I read the title. The fact they never found the owner would have