K. D. Bryan

She's totally wasted on TWO BROKE GIRLS. I want her to get superpowers, make smart-assed comments and run around in spandex, dammit.

For pure storytelling delight, ME1 & ME2 are pretty damn great, especially if you play as a female lead (way better voice acting and you have a queer love interest option from the 1st game onward). ME3 is 80% of a great game, so maybe play just until you get near the end and then assume everything ends great.

Don't be stupid, Thane Shipping is all about playing Mass Effect with a dying assassin as your chosen love interest.

"What if Weeping Angels but too mulch."

I have trouble taking any of the Cybermen seriously because I keep imagining somebody getting a bunch of them stuck marching in circles with just a bike lock around and through those goofy head handles.

In honor of Buffy week, I'll just say this - ridiculous premise. Everybody knows leprechauns aren't real.

This Buffy week and all the lovely, thoughtful answers from the cast is the most delighted I've been by The A. V. Club in ages. Kudos to everyone who put this together and all the cast for being such good sports.

I think so. They cover a lot of ground in the first 15 minutes of the movie.

Also, Lost Girl S1 & S2 are a lot of fun but it never really becomes what I'd call "appointment television" and gets pretty tedious around S3 then stays that way.

Season 2 had an inarguably strong start and near-perfect finish but the one-off episodes were troublesome to put it mildly. Having Veronica stay friends with Dick after learning his part in her being roofied was strongly off-putting to me, as were other character inconsistencies.

A bit surprised that Misfits didn't make the cut. Not that it was a super great show but I'd say it definitely had some of that Buffy DNA.

S1 of Veronica Mars is a must see, S2 is good but wildly uneven, S3 is skippable garbage (except for the final episode) and the movie's optional, so it isn't as much of a time-suck as you might think.

(Terrifying monster voice) Tell me, Flash - did you get the memo about the TPS reports? Yeah, I'll just make sure you get another copy of that memo.

Silly Barry. You always ask your adopted Dad first if it's okay to marry your Sister. That's just traditional in the Deep South.

"Oh, Ronaldo's in this?"

"Dad, I want to live on Earth-1 because I like a boy."

You know, for all the times Steven's found Gem items related to time-travel and then had them goofily destroyed, I bet we're eventually in for one particularly heart-rending episode where A) he finally finds a way to meet his Mom or B) realizes just how badly he wasted his chances to meet her with a fight over making

If he could do that, he wouldn't be single.

Here's hoping V. J.'s power is to keep regenerating with new powers that fit his current situation, if only to see a live action Triton when he comes back to life in a lake.

You read Pinterest, Brett?