K. D. Bryan


One shall rise and one has fallen and she can't get up.

Emotionally, it would be a Mexican Thanksgiving with my parents and my girlfriend when I was 17. Fresh made green chili, tamales, stuffing and moist turkey with everyone I loved around me. I couldn't have been happier or more stuffed.

INVASION OF THE BODY SHAMERS - This classic horror film shows the paranoia and negative self-worth of the brave but chunky remaining humans who don't have low enough body fat to be taken over by narcissistic alien parasites.

Thanks for sharing this! I'm usually all about the spicy wings but I'm now definitely interested in trying some lemon pepper and the food scene in Atlanta in general.

This is lovely news. She was delightful in OTHER SPACE and started a charity, so I'm happy to see her get to be one of my fave superheroines.

I'm not sure there's a Halloween mask invented yet that would somehow allow Christina Hendricks to go unrecognized.

You best friend Harry,
has a brother, Larry,
In five days, his wife he's gonna bury.

I hope this does well, if only to encourage my fanciful dream of a big screen STEVEN UNIVERSE movie. Plus, Pinkie Pie is the closest thing kids have to G-rated Deadpool nowadays.

Can't wait for "Bad Moms 3: Child Services Finally Arrives Due to All of The Bad Mothering".


McCain/Palin being in Gilfoye's phone makes sense to me as he was likely either A) encouraging societal breakdown faster by getting hypocritical Republicans elected or B) knowing his enemy.

"Why as I live and breathe, NUH-ICK-EEE SUH-WANGO!"

The HIMYM finale is solidly fixed in my "Top 5 Series Finales That Disappointed and Enraged Me" at #3, right behind BSG and Lost, so you are both technically correct and yet also woefully incorrect.

Alien 1: "Hey, we've got the technology to store entire lifetimes worth of memories on a single ship. Maybe we should upload every person's consciousness to this ship and thereby preserve our entire-"

This was amazing but I've got at least one unasked and unanswered question - why did White Diamond, Yellow Diamond and Blue Diamond leave Rose Quartz alive and unharmed on Earth after the shattering? Was this addressed in Centipeedle's crayon story?


Oh, Steven. This is a terrible, terrible idea. Your only hope will probably now involve fusing with *shudder* Lars. Well, at least he wasn't trapped on board with Reynaldo or Kevin but still - dire.

Something something Archer reference.

In fairness to Black Cat, she actually does have superpowers.