K. D. Bryan

I've got a bad feeling about this.

One of the best part of THUNDERBOLTS was Satanna creating a Kaiju-sized Man-Thing and screaming "Giant-Sized Man-Thing!" before it started wrecking shit Godzilla-style.

Animated or live action?

"Fitz. How is your science?"

I'd really like Aida to actually be doing this out of some misguided sense of love or duty - to be a shield for people whether they want to be shielded or not. Of course, given that she just downloaded Satan's library, she's likely just going to be crazy evil, alas.

If there's no Jeffrey Donovan voiceover stating something like:
"When you're trying to convince someone you know the future, the key is confidence. Of course, a deck of marked cards never hurts either."

I'm actually sort of sad that Maya is no longer the Patrice of the show any more. I loved Daryl's OOC bitchiness towards her.

Regarding WESTWORLD, I haven't been this excited to see if a S1 season finale sticks the landing since VERONICA MARS. Helluva great show.

These deals are getting worse all the time!

Cranberry Sauce
1. Go to store.
2. Purchase a can of Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce.
3. Open can.
4. Shake can until entire gelatinous mass exits can.
5. Cut can-shaped mass into slices. Serve on a fancy non-paper plate if you're going to be all gourmet and shit.

*shakes fist*
Curse you, Richards!

You cock-juggling thunder c- wait, sorry, wrong film.

1. Stuffing made with turkey giblets in it.
2. Cranberry sauce (preferably directly from the can as I have a weird nostalgic delight from eating that)
3. Mashed potatoes with gravy.

My apologies for not using the most cromulent of words. You've embiggened my vocabulary.

NEXT UP: The Stranger Things theme but sung scat-style by Alicia Keys live in the Florida Keys!

" i don't like that you have "pus-filled" and "brownies" in adjoining sentences. "

"Well, I've never thrown up from eating something gangrenous"

Moist? Really? When there's "gangrenous", "infected", "rotten", "cancerous", "pus-filled" or "Mayonnaise" out there? Tsk. I'll just be over here enjoying delicious, moist brownies.

The mere existence of CARS 3 infuriates me but the story being a dark, morbid journey about dealing with death and/or permanent disability would mollify my rage slightly.