K. D. Bryan

For a minute, the picture and the Top Pick made me think that there was a BROAD CITY/SUPERGIRL crossover happening somehow. Now I am sad that this does not exist.

"You see what happens, Olsen? You see what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps?"

Elsie and Barb will live eternally in our hearts (and also someone's fan fiction probably).

Goddamit, that is NOT how the "$5 for saying Josh" thing WORKS, Juliaadanner!

Agreed. I feel like Eyeball, Jasper, Kevin and Yellow Diamond are all perfectly evil in their own special ways and enough antagonists to leave us the space needed to let Uncle Andy be redeemed.

She'll be pushing people along in their barrels, some of them over the edge.

Garnet: Master of Engineering.

Also, the love of her life dies and is reborn.

Thanks for the link to Mike Krol! I had my headphones off for a change and it turned out my roommates also quite enjoy his stuff as well.

Wait. Who does pay their utility bills?

I like to imagine that she somehow helped found it.

The irony of her being the gem who hates clothes the most (outside of possibly Lapis) makes it even better.

Does this make Kelly Clarkson a Bard?

The '93 Indiana Jones Pinball Machine will always be my favorite for the excellent addition of the movie plot points into pinball form and pure chaos it throws at you. The newer Indiana Jones pinball machine with Crystal Skull shoehorned in is, of course, garbage.

I actually begged my parents to get me the Criterion Edition of The Rock when it came out. It remains my near platonic ideal of what an action movie should be.

I need a stiff drink and a hug after that episode.

"What business is it of yours if I'm from Homeworld?"

Favorite subtle parts of the episode:
1. Pearl not picking up on the fact Amethyst's "Puhmazing" was sarcastic.
2. That look on poor Amethyst's face when Pearl dropped that "we're smaller and weaker" line.
3. HoloPearl being 2.000001 because of course Pearl would be that pedantic.

"His madness keeps him sane."

They need do way instain Gems who shatter their babby because their babbys can't fuse back!