K. D. Bryan

Well, sure, the "terrifying, renegade Pearl" alone is proof of that. :) I was just curious if Amethyst was born knowing her function was to do X but did Y because of lacking context clues and/or how meeting the other Gems influenced her hard-wired instructions.

Rose's description of Gem "Birth" makes me incredibly curious about Amethyst's creation. What parts of her personality came from nature (pre-installed mental "hardware") vs nurture (the lack of any actual contact with others for who knows how long in a canyon, being raised by the other Gems)?

Well, that scene with Centipeedle screeching in helpless horror as her former hand turned leg cannot open the door isn't going to give me body horror nightmares at all. Nosirree, not me.


We know he can enter their dreams, but now I wonder if Steven can possess other Gems? Steven in Jasper's body would be both horrifying and hilarious.

It wasn't highvarti but it was certainly fun. I'm just glad Jenny learned she Colby a better sister to her twin.

I wasn't expecting the auto-play music but I actually quite liked it, surprisingly.

Peridot: "Sit at these the chairs placed around these circular surfaces covered in cloth and garnished with inefficient light sources. Your servant will be along shortly to determine what nutritional substances you wish to consume."

That fork suddenly becomes wholly unnerving.

Glad to know I'm not alone!

I feel weird saying this but this episode actually helped me put to bed a lot of negative feelings about somebody who messed up my life in the past and took zero responsibility for it. It's one thing to read stuff like "Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die" but another to see two

It's a trick.
Get an axe.

To Barley Go Where No Man Has Gone Before
Star Trek III: The Search For Hops
Star Trek V: The Final Pilsner
Star Trek: Deep Stout Nine
Star Trek Voylager

I admire going to great lengths for a joke but doing this just to add to his introductory catchphrase "Star of YOGI BEAR 3-D" is taking commitment to a bit too far.


This guy fucks with the boundaries of scientific ethics.

They tried just posting everything with the title STAY DOCILE, INTERNET and the text CONSUME CONSUME CONSUME but some bubblegum chewing asshole in sunglasses made them stop.

The side of the truck, actually.

I've always wanted to see how well the lyrics to the Spider-Man theme song would work with the instrumentals to Vanessa Carlton's "A Thousand Miles" and vice versa.