K. D. Bryan

"Two of the main characters are called “Cricket” and “Blotter.” If you
know what to do with that last bit of information, you’re a better
person than we are."

Hulkers gonna hulk, hulk hulk,
Blanchettes gonna blanch, blanch, blanch
I'm just gonna Thor it off, Thor it off.

I just finished binge watching the show to get caught up before the end and I've got to say it - the finale was perfect. If you'd told me that a CBS procedural show would end up making me laugh, gasp and ugly cry (oh, God, my heart at that arrow line), I'd never have believed you. This show was amazing and I'm really

I gasped inaudibly. I'm not really sure how I even did that.


"Can't stop them feeding! Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

"Hoodlums and Holograms" will be the name of any Shadowrun campaign I run in the future.

"Redundant Job, Internet!"

Steve Brule is one of the 3 things Tim & Eric have ever done that I actually find funny.

BASIC EXTINCT would be what happens if Starbucks suddenly went out of business.

I was going for May as Connie because Coulson is Steven but yeah, May is totally Garnet.

I'm really pleased to see Coulson activating his shield without eating a Cookie Cat first. Maybe next episode, we'll get to see May have a musical number while learning swordplay.

Guys, I figured out who the man in the iron mask is!

You know who else thinks Regular Show is mediocre compared to AT and SU? MY MOM!!!

This is a job for Wonderbra!

I don't know about the rest of you but I'm really looking forward to next season when we find out that the pod contains Christina Hendricks as Power Girl.

"When is a jar not a jar? Do you have any riddles of your own? Or do
you, is that you thing, you come into a bar, you read some children book's riddle, and then pretend, you pawn it off as your own, as your own idea just to annoy the police and embarrass my mentor?

"Whenever Batman isn't onscreen, people should be asking "Where's Batman?"