K. D. Bryan

1. I'll admit it - I squeed like a little girl when Peggy and Sousa finally kissed. Get it, girl!
2. Ken Marino being able to play more range. Guy's seriously underrated and delightful.
3. Howard Stark just Howard Starking it up and flirting with Rose.
4. Thompson taking dinner orders.
5. Jarvis running over a

I'm calling it - the Jay/Zoom/Hunter is some weird 3 person Ben/Glory dynamic.

This is the first A. V. Club article in some time that made me immediately respond "Are you fucking high?" just from reading the title.

Year of Crowdfunding Pennies!

Who are you calling "cur", dog?

"You don't spend this much time around Mister Stark without learning a little bit about writhing out of leather straps."

I'm not your fuck friend, fuck pal!

I haven't seen an Alan Moore concept this willfully wasted since LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN.

That Daredevil/Deadpool annual and the whole Typhoid Mary arc just blew me away. Joe Kelly's run on Deadpool should be remembered alongside Peter David's Hulk or Kirby's Fourth World as one of the greatest long form runs in comics.


You'll end up having to eat those words when Christina Hendricks and Sofia Vergara end up playing Spitfire and Lady Viper next season.

I can never see it anywhere.

I only dream of such happiness.

"That's HEDLEY!"

"I should have killed you when you stained my pants!"

"I should have grilled you when you played Rosencrantz!" - from The A.V. Club's interview with Tim Roth