K. D. Bryan

You know, I get that the guy is immortal but freezing him solid and carting off the Icighul somewhere cold and remote like 70's Antarctica doesn't sound like such a bad plan.

If Kara had a peanut, she would have given it to her.

"An online profile is a signature wrapped in data, you fucking troll!"

Neat. I didn't know that!

I'm just going to go out on a limb, never having seen this show and only having read his appearances in Sandman, that he almost never plays piano and that Mazikeen is now stunningly beautiful with maybe a teensy scar on one side of her face.

Thanks! I knew Cap'n Jack was in it but not River Song.


Who does River Song play in Arrow-verse? I never watched Arrow.

I like Turtle!

I will look forward to this show with all the relish and delight I gave to the shows that the people behind BSG and LOST made next . . . which is to say I will forget they exist and willfully ignore them whenever anyone makes mention of them.

Grating Job, Internet.

"Parents Don't Understand Getting Jiggy With Men In Black In Miami"

I tried to hew to the next verse of the song as much as possible (not including the unseen and generally unknown actual 2nd verse of the theme to the The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air) but I will accept "Nightmare on My Street".

I made a deal with Waller
And when she came near
She put a gun in my hand
And a bomb in my ear.
If anything I would say that this mission's a reprieve
But I thought nah, forget it,
I don't want to get tossed back in Belle Reve

Unsanitary. Gets on the furniture.

TWIST: She makes Steve wear the Harem Girl outfit.

Starring Sofia Vegara, Amber Heard and Christina Hendricks.

. . . don't you judge me. :P

Well, this is certainly the most subtle and groundbreaking reboot of BLACKADDER GOES FOURTH I've ever seen.

HAROLD AND MAUDE helped me to finally overcome years of social anxiety and start asking people out.