K. D. Bryan

If this is the first in the series of movies about Dolly Parton growing up, I foresee Ariel Winter levels of cringing at internet comments in just a few years time.

Am I the only one who read all of this article in Christian Bale's AMERICAN PSYCHO voice?

Mental, emotional or physical?

Marcel Proust goes to McDonald's.

Remember when they tried to update Comet in the 90's and turned Comet into both an angel, a lesbian stand-up comedian, a dead jockey and a horse at the same time? Good times.

I refer to the Sandman Slim series as "Dresden Files methadone". It keeps the cravings for new Dresden Files novels at bay but it's no Jim Butcher.

Hey, just so long as he sings that exact song in every iteration of his sharky existence, I don't care if he's actually a man, a shark or a kangaroo.

I was going to chastise you for suggesting such a thing but then I remembered that Silver Age Supergirl had a boyfriend who was also her horse, so . . . *shrugs*

You take that back about City City!

Hey, don't you mess up my Flash drinking game! I'll have to think up whole new rules if they ever remove "Run, Barry, run!", "metahuman" or "speed" from the dialogue.

Exactly! There are tons of shows that are objectively better but this show really captures and radiates the positive energy, empathy and hope that anyone with an "S" on their chest is supposed to embody (unlike certain grimdark movie adaptations). And, yeah, Melissa Benoist is weapons-grade adorable.

I swear that smile of hers could cheer me up even after both my parents were murdered in a dark alley.

Well, Jessica Jones getting a 2nd season is more or less a given at this point and Agent Carter may not technically count but it's close enough for my tastes.

They're saving that episode with Krypto for Sweeps Week, thank you very much.


No, there's the definition of disappointing, which the lack of inclusion of KISS KISS, BANG BANG fucking is.

No, KISS KISS, BANG BANG? AV Club, look in the dictionary for the definition of "disappointing".