K. D. Bryan

"Daddy, where do Jugalos come from?"

I believe this is what the "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!" meme was created for. :D

"Yeah, so the Fry Guy's manager is all, "You gotta clean that up," and I
said, "They're your fries, you clean 'em up!" And then Jasper got all bummed out because of something I did with the onions to myself, and now she won't talk to me."


"I have altered your biology. Pray I do not alter it any further."

So, after the "I had a family" line and his glowing red eyes, who else thinks that Hank Henshaw is actually the Martian Manhunter in disguise?

I'm not sure that anybody else noticed this but King Shark is a Shark.

Could this mash-up BE any lazier?

Clara is the Britta of Companions?

In a vampire, blood circulation is a flat circle.

Weapon X gonna give it to ya.

Empowered or GTFO.

It WAS weirdly curved, now that you mention it.

Something something 4chan.

A British writer, much like the highly esteemed Michael Moorcock.

Oh, dear Lord, that is wonderful.

She and Agent Carter need to have a Hat Off immediately.