K. D. Bryan

"Seriously - newspapers? In the future? Did he also show you a fax from 2030whenever? Maybe a telegram?"

"So, raise a GLASS . . ."

"There's only one sane solution - blow it all up!"

I had a Browncoat friend who didn't realize Christina Hendricks was even in Firefly until he was halfway through Season 4 of Mad Men. He's still unsure if it was because she was such a great actress or because her Firefly outfits weren't nearly as, ah, showy.

She was hired to get on board Serenity and damage it's guidance systems so it could be junked by the guys at the junking gate. Presumably, she'd been trailing them for a while, then saw an opening and went for it.


Excellent, with the exception of last season.

"Her name is West!"

I look forward to Barry finally defeating his Reverse Passenger.

I'm morbidly interested in hearing the inverse of this with the lyrics to Shake It Off played over the tune of Perfect Drug.

Sorry, what about Caitlin?

"Metatanamo Bay" is awesome.

Well, if he's really Reverse Flash and his entire raison d'etre is to get Flash to up his speed/game, having a brilliant supervillain running loose is not a bad thing.

No, no, no - "a little peak" is what may have happened in Barry's trousers at super speed.

I'll thank you later.

I now understand what the writers were referencing in the episode where Sarah Silverman played Monk's stalker and demanded they never change the theme song if he ever got a TV show based on him.

After the shitty, shitty job she did in X-MEN: FIRST CLASS, I'm hopeful we can keep her as far away from comic book properties as possible.

"I cast "Sense Woman"!"

"It could be witches, some evil witches! Which is ridiculous, cause witches they were persecuted, and Wicca good and love the earth, and woman power, and i'll be over here."

BETRAYAL AT HOUSE ON THE HILL is literally a game where you can go crazy and kill your friends 50 different ways. I highly recommend it.