K. D. Bryan

Dude, modern day Daredevil has been seriously amazing. If you've never read Frank Miller's Born Again, Ann Nocenti's Typhoid Mary run, Bendis' (somewhat overlong) run or Brubaker's run where things go completely to shit for DD, you're missing out on some of the best film noir superheroics ever written. Also, the

I still cannot say the word possum without pronouncing it in a menacing tone.

Thanks! That is exactly the kind of detailed comparison I was looking for.

So long as you fully believe that this person is "the love of your life", you'll never actually meet her.

This "Bonds system" sounds akin to the FATE system/Dresden Files RPG aspect usage. I'd be interested to hear a comparison of the two from somebody who's played both systems.

This pilot was impressively overstuffed with awkward cameos and hardworking actors unable to overcome shitty, awkward dialogue. Due to Allen & Montoya's existence in the show, I am now deeply disgusted that there's people in Hollywood who read the brilliant GOTHAM CENTRAL and then decided to make this overwrought,

Man, I seriously need to rewatch this movie. I haven't seen it since I was in High School. Maybe I'll have a Western night and finally see TOMBSTONE while I'm at it.

I have only seen a handful of episodes of this show but I do remember having seen both the dominatrix episode and the Tarantino episode and liking them rather a lot. Of course, the other episodes I subsequently saw were either just pleasantly bland enough to pass the time or more than a little bit awful, so I wasn't

I don't I've ever been as pleasantly surprised to not have a monster exist. Well-done and pleasantly psychological. It's nice to have people feel like real people, even including The Doctor on that score, for a change. Of course, I'm probably a bigger fan of an episode feeling this grounded after having endured the

The inner monologue of each duck:

I've found that there's generally less duplicity and bribery available for people playing TTR than in LoW. Blocking one another's routes is almost guaranteed, I agree, but outside of blocking one another, there's not much else in the way of backstabbing your friends in TTR. I've found that you can bribe, trick and

It really is a lot of fun. I do feel that it has far more strategy and backstabbing elements than, say, TICKET TO RIDE, but it still might be a huge hit with them.

I loved it and I don't even like Oreos! It really surprised me.

Fun fact - there was a scene deleted from tonight's episode on account of recent news events. It explains some dialogue I thought didn't make much sense before the Sheriff died.

A bit disappointed that we didn't get a cutaway scene with Missy looking awkwardly at the gold-covered corpse of the Sheriff of Nottingham, shrugging and then just leaving it standing in the middle of her garden.

As a general rule, my favorite ice cream is a good, well-made strawberry (chunks of strawberry in the ice cream itself or GTFO).

Thanks for the tips! I'll have to give those a try.

Just bought LORDS OF WATERDEEP and the expansion last week! I'm a big fan of how sneaky you can be in what seems initially to be a fairly benign trip around the board. It also plays well with most people I know, which can be a factor for the folks who don't love the sort of chaos I adore in games like BETRAYAL ON