K. D. Bryan

FUN FACT: If you imagine that the lyrics to "Let It Go" are about a raging boner, it becomes tremendously hilarious.

I adore The 1UP in Denver. I finally get to live my dream of taking down that X-Men arcade game with my friends but also with beer! It's the best of all words.

I am pleased to say that we still have two whole local video stores left here in Colorado that are non-chain survivors.

I hope this means we'll eventually meet Titania, if just to see if those two crazy kids can have a supervillian marriage that works, unlike in the comics.

I liked when he accidentally absorbed a decommissioned Cosmic Cube and was punching people into different versions of themselves. Good times.

Thanks for the tip! Will do.

Ye Gods, I remember this mini-series as being infinitely MST3k-able with my friends. Every time Trashcan Man came on the screen, we mocked his indecipherable catchphrase that sounded like "JAMBALAYA! MY LIFE FOR YOU!" by substituting the Cajun dishes/words of our choice. Also, our "M-O-O-N" jokes got so over played

Street Fighter deserves to exist if only for the "For me, it was Tuesday." speech.


Agent No Identity Issues!

SHAWSHANK is so inescapable on modern cable that I think it's actually eclipsed THE BREAKFAST CLUB as the movie you're most likely to find channel surfing on a Sunday.

I wish I could tell you that one film about a saintly black convict in prison fought the good fight, and that the Americans let minority prisoners be. I wish I could tell you that - but America is no fairy-tale world.

Between this and THE IRON GIANT, Vin Diesel now has an extremely odd moratorium on being able to make me cry by speaking three or less words.

"Hello, dongness, my old friend."

It always amused me that the incredibly repressed British woman who used to wear a full body costume never once explained or commented on her running around with her ass completely exposed. I suppose it was just supposed to be part of the extra vampiness she got via Kwannon that also had her hitting on Scott Summers

"You either live long enough to do a cameo or get recast offscreen to become a footnote."

I want to thank you tremendously for this article because just having this sort of discussion is something I consider really important for the growth and maturity of the comic book industry. Reading their well-thought out responses to your excellent questions makes me wish the interview had run much longer.

"Hi, I'm Nova, the Herald of Galactus. You should all probably leave your planet now because my boss is going to eat it. Or don't, whatever. I really don't care."

Oh, I figured as much. I had thought his kind all died out in the '90's. Weirdly, seeing such an obvious troll makes bizarrely nostalgic.

You suffer from an affliction called "Cassandra's Tears". The gods have bestowed upon you a painful curse, wherein you can see the future but none shall believe you. Lo, while you shall know the tragedies to befall us all, no soul among the masses will believe your dire warnings! Make peace with this malady and know