
And then Matt did The Outsiders. Part of the Matt Dillon "Young Tough" trilogy.

I remember in the 80s counting once the number of times Stripes appeared on HBO in a particular month. It was 41 times.

Marge: Homer, I don’t think you should wear a short-sleeve shirt with a tie.

But Paterson is in New Jersey. One of them coastal states. According to recent news, it can't be part of the real America.

"What are we made of? Our fathers came across the prairies, fought Indians, fought drought, fought locusts, fought Dix… remember when Richard Dix came in here and tried to take over this town? Well, we didn't give up then, and by gum, we're not going to give up now!"

Ray Walston as Mr. Applegate in Damn Yankees.

1977 also featured Slap Shot. For pure action, nothing beats the Hanson Brothers first shift on the ice.

Dad was played by Elliot Gould

Don't forget Andrew McCarthy getting a page 1 story in the Washington Post on the meaning of life.

William Schallert. Harry Morgan. Richard Stahl. Actors who made hundreds of appearances in movies and TV shows throughout the years but rarely as the star.
Who would be their current younger equivalents?

"Manganese. Most people don't even know what that is."

A guy looking like mid 20s Bruce, skinny with shaggy beard, does go by the table. It's all of 2 seconds. No credit in the end credits.

John Lennon, The Wailers and Bruce Springsteen all in the same room at Max's Kansas City!!!!! Who would believe it? Though it is true that Springsteen & The Wailers did play on the same card at Max's in July of '73.

I coulda had…class!!

On the Waterfront Again

"Cabbage rolls and coffee, um um good."

Pablo Sandoval.
Kanye's a big baseball fan and he chronicled The Panda's first season with the Red Sox.

Are you going to eat that sandwich?

That's not Max Weinberg on the album version of Born to Run. He was not a member of the band yet when Born to Run was recorded. The drummer is Ernest "Boom" Carter.

Not mentioned but Steve Martin's appearances on Letterman were always highly entertaining. He always prepared something for his visits.