
Whatever became of Agreeable Doug Porter?

"Bolivia!!! It's a willd coukoo kind of place. Bolivia!!!"

"All us angels wear Haggar slacks."

Plus it has Peter Gallagher channeling 50s era Dean Martin as Vic Tenetta.

Also, Guttenberg and wife are suppose to be off to Cuba for their honeymoon and that is the day that Castro seized power.

Saturday Night Fever was poorly edited. Just before this scene, Tony and his pals enter the disco and are greeted as the seas part. Tony passes by and talks to the same guy twice in the film.

Of course, everyone knows that Herb purchased all his clothes at a golf course pro shop across the river in Kentucky.

Mr Macho Toupees.

I believe it was "Ferryman, Ferryman!! He's the mortician man, the man with the plan"

Mad Men emulated the ending of the Mary Tyler Moore Show. In the last episode of MTM, Mary asked what is family but not the people who make you happy and thanked the people she worked with for being her family. In this episode, Peggy is Mary, Don is Mr. Grant and Pete is Murray. Hell, Stan can even be Rhoda.

Lou is the personification of Professional Hack.

Wheh they flipped the house and loss Chuck Cunningham, the show started a skid it never got out of.

"Ma Gump is pregnant!!!!. No wonder why you needed the money."

In that Password episode, another funny sequence, besides the appearance on the game itself, is when Felix is trying to pretend he's a "Regular Guy" in front of Alan Ludden in the restaurant. "I like to sit around in my undershirt. Drink a beer. Watch the boob tube."

Felix: "I much fear that there's trouble in the fuselage, Frederick." Quick, Oscar. What's the other guy saying?
Oscar:"I much fear that there's some nut trying to read your lips."

I love the few times when Tony would bust in with Mandy Patinkin claiming that their car broke down on their way to a rehearsal for the big show and that Mandy needed to rehearse a song. Mandy would then sing while Tony stood by and after he was done, they rushed back out of the theatre/studio.

Would you ever eat at a German restaurant named Schindler's Lunch?

"You're a bright lad. You'll figure it out."

Dances With Wolves. Because it had the audacity to beat out Goodfellas that year.