Shouldn’t he maybe master the pizza before starting in on his digital media empire?
Shouldn’t he maybe master the pizza before starting in on his digital media empire?
Oh, this fucking letter.
How do you rank flavors of bubble gum and not even mention “bubble gum flavor?”
Unflavored for me!
When he was hitting .320, you could excuse his mental lapses. Now that he has been invisible for 2 months but still just as prone to the mental lapses, he’s killing me. I’ve never seen a player get thrown out at first because they flinched toward second but then didn’t immediately run back to first before this weekend.…
Have scientists figured out yet why sports media consists mostly of folks who should never, ever be allowed on the air to give opinions? Is it Climate Change?
This team was designed to please suburban racist dads in bad golf shirts
So it turns out he’s not one of the very fine people on the Nazi side? This story has taken an unexpected turn.
I feel like everyone debating the appropriateness of the dude’s form are entirely missing the point. Some choad WHO DOESN’T EVEN WORK AT THE GYM took it upon himself to toss another person out of the gym. Does he also play bouncer when he goes out to a bar?
Raider Nation is what you’d get if MAGA Nation spent 2 hours every morning huffing airplane glue.
He’s definitely on a wanted list somewhere. The thing about money laundering is that it only works because nobody is looking for it. Once investigators get wind that a person is involved in any kind of nefarious dealings, their money laundering will be exposed. So there is zero chance the FBI doesn’t know what Jimmy…
It kinda defeats the whole purpose of a sandwich if by the time you get to the second half of it the bread has pretty much disintegrated. The mess is just a bonus. I’ve had it run down my arm and get all over my sleeve, and that’s no way to go through life.
With the French Dip comes control, baby. And not needing 47 napkins to eat it is a bit more environmentally friendly.
I like an Italian Beef as much as the next guy, but who the hell decided that a sandwich should be dipped in liquid so the roll comes apart in your hands in a bready sludge, and why the fuck do I ALWAYS order it that way? I’m sure the extra 8,000 milligrams of sodium does wonders for my blood pressure.
Chicago has the absolute most obnoxious fans of any place, ever. At least Masshole MAGA Pats fans have reason to be cocky; every year these pudgy dipshits predict the Bears will go 13-3 and win the Super Bowl, while anyone who has paid attention to the NFL the last 30 years and/or is not in the haze of an eternal Old…
Goddammit man, the Wagyu has turned you into the kind of pretentious ass that credits photos to himself in his own story. I assure you, the provenance of the photo of the smoker with the giant duke on it was never in doubt.
Weird, I just moved them up to #299. Take that, East St. Louis!