
4 white characters, all white everything I guess. *shrug*.

I've always liked the Warcraft related books. They tend to set a lot of precedences for lore, although some of the lore things they introduce are a bit too Doctor Who for my taste.

I've got to think this is from an early devkit of the gamecube.

Really? I might have to do that then.

I kinda wish I could get my money back for the old Rust now. Partially because I don't really enjoy the game in general, and partially because I'm bitter that my roommate convinced me to buy 2 copies of the game so both of us could play a total of like 2 total hours together.

While I don't think it would be acceptable for them to flip their shit, there is no way you can possibly say it teaches them a good lesson. The lesson you seem to tell them is that you're trying to deceive them. It's Christmas, there's a present for them, and the present looks like something amazing and what they

I was going to do something like this to my niece with a Wii U box. But at the time, I thought she was going to get a Wii U from her grandparents. Luckily, I found out that they in fact did not buy her one, and I didn't pull this nasty trick.

Yah, but the thing about "Rebirth" isn't that it's made for Next-Gen consoles, it's made for consoles period. So if you want to discount the Wii U for not being as powerful as the PS4 or XBone, then I don't see the logic of calling a game that was made independently of being current gen or Next-Gen a Next-Gen game. If

If you're gonna put Binding of Isaac on a list of Next-Gen Games, then the Wii U has to be a Next-Gen console.

On the next episode of Deadspin having nothing better to do with their time...

Well, it's mostly because it was one of the movies supposed to close out the Big G's career (which we all know is just Toho waiting a couple of years until they can think up good ideas for a new batch of movies), and it just wasn't as good as many of the movies that came right before it. There wasn't as much of a

Well, it's not cannon as Godzilla. But it has been referenced in Japanese Godzilla movies, and even shown up in another form in Final Wars. He's just not a Godzilla.

Technically he wasn't even a bad guy in the original movie, but he was never really the protector. He's always been more of a force of nature that happens to hate other kaiju who want to destroy the Earth with a passion. And then, in Godzilla, Mothra, and King Ghidorah, a early 2000s movie, Godzilla was pretty much a

Just so you know, most dedicated Godzilla/Kaiju fans dislike Final Wars with a passion.

Am I reading this correctly? Only one guy as the coder/level designer? I realize, from recent experience even, too many programmers can be tough sometimes, but it's amazing to me that a game like this would be a solo challenge.

That sounds like something that might make since. Mainly because I had the same exact thought.

God Bless America is slightly generic though. It has imagery, but not a lot of meaning. America the Beautiful is better, and would probably work.

Well, it represents the one of the wars that began the country and the symbolic survival of the flag. What's more American than the fight for independence and freedom? Not only that, but you can always claim it's from the Revolutionary War and you have a song that represents the first fight for independence and

I like the singing of the National Anthem before sporting events. It's a bit of a tradition, and it always gets me pumped. It basically is a sign that I get to experience a live sporting event in a couple seconds/minutes. I guess I can understand why you think it's unnecessary, but it's a part of the show.

The reason why I claimed that you said that, was because you yourself used roguelikes as games to define roguelikes. Essentially roguelikelike. But that's not so important.