Additionally, because:
Additionally, because:
I love you. You just said everything I wanted to say but more eloquently. I am wearing bright blue eyeliner as we speak and guys CONSTANTLY tell me not to wear makeup because "I look so pretty without it". Plus what am I supposed to use to draw on passed out people in my living room if I ditch the lipstick? …
Honestly, I don't understand the people who have to comment on other people's skin, especially when they usually have less than perfect skin themselves. Hey, admittedly my skin is slightly better than some other girls', but I find it perfectly easy to refrain from pointing out their pores and/or acne, because I know…
I remember seeing a special on life in Afghanistan pre-Enduring Freedom and one of the things it showed was that some women broke the law and applied makeup and painted their nails under their burkas.
OMG the bad skin thing! I have awful post-baby acne on my chin that just WILL. NOT. QUIT. And people keep commenting on it. STFU. I have mirrors. I am aware my chin looks terrible. But thanks for bringing it to everybody's attention by asking me what's wrong with my skin in front of others.
Thank you for including the "because sometimes we just like blue eyeshadow and pink lipstick." I generally don't wear make-up, don't do anything special with my hair, and don't wear nailpolish. but you know what? looking the same every day gets boring. So I play around with make-up. As a teenager I dyed my hair neon…
I completely agree. Growing up i had very bad skin problems and was the only person in my year to do so, which made me feel even worse. Many many acne treatments later (some which worked for a while and some that didnt), and 15 years on, i think, I THINK that my skin has settled down, though i stillhave to keep to a…
there's a definite pressure to wear makeup. I was told once that the no makeup works in college, but once your out of college, you're an adult and you need to wear makeup to be professional and to be taken seriously. I grew up in the northeast, but I've been told by southern people that I look really plain, so it also…
You make so many excellent points that I feel compelled to ask you to marry me and we will exchange vows while wearing swarovski crystal eyelashes and a metric tonne o' slap.
I love this artist! There's another one that says something along the lines of "It might not look natural, but honey it looks the way I want it to" to which I say "A THOUSAND TIMES, YES". I love blush. I just fucking love it. It makes me happy. I've had a couple friends say "you should blend in your blush" and I'm…
You have opened my world to this website. This person seems like THE SHIT! Also, strangely, as a fine art major, I remember being derided for choosing to love makeup and wearing dresses and getting’ mah hair did. I was surrounded by supposed creative types who were theoretically open-minded, yet, I often felt like an…
Dang. How many guys are like that? Sounds like my ex.
You forgot "looking grown up" or "professional." I don't wear make-up very often (swim teacher — waste of time and money to just end up being smudgy all day), but when I do it's usually so people don't mistake me for the 16-22 year old that they always do. I'm 31, for crying out loud!
Same here. I get the raccoon eyes and people stare. On rare occasions it has made my eye lids look like I have eye shadow, so it allows me to wear less makeup. But most of the time, it looks like hell.
This. I have eczema, and the amount of comments I get about my skin care is ridiculous. It seems so presumptuous and rude. My teenage years were utter hell until I learned to "cover-up".
Yes!!! When I talk makeup with my friends and say I have bad skin, or talk about the different products I wear because of my skin, or go shopping for makeup and explain that I have terrible fucking skin, everyone always says "You don't need all that makeup! Your skin is so beautiful!" Yes, I know it looks beautiful!…
I love the pic and this post. I have an oily face with a few blemishes, blackheads, and some hyperpigmentation, so I wear some concealer and powder for that. I then will put on a clear/nude lip balm/gloss, a nude eyeshadow and mascara to enhance my eyes a bit, and that is my makeup look.
"They think it's fun. No woman in blue eyeshadow and bright pink lipstick has ever done herself up for anyone else but her. She just likes blue eyeshadow and bright pink lipstick."
This. So many times this. I have weird numular excema that has recently made the jump to my nose and now my cheek. I also have acne, and I have enough trouble being a young person in an office full of pretty high-level employees, so adding "looking like a teenager" is really not a priority for me.