
I love this *SO* much.

Yeah, I second the "skin issue" thing and the "avoiding comments on their apearance" thing. I have acne, scarring, and redness, which really stands out because I'm pale. I wear makeup to cover it, because otherwise I feel like people would just stare at my chin and not listen to me (they probably wouldn't, but it

Count me as one of the ones who wants to pass without comment. I didn't hit the gene jackpot when it comes in to skin. I had shitty luck. So I slap on the primer and foundation just to get up to the normal "oh you look good without makeup" standard and I smile and nod and pretend that my skin is just fine. And

Ugh, my eczema just decided to make the jump to my goddamn eyebrow. That shit is a bitchhhhhhh.


All of this! Just as I can choose a certain cut of dress to emphasize the body features I like and play down the ones I don't, I can use makeup to play up the facial features I like and cover up the things I don't. It allows me to decide how I look. That tiny amount of control is comforting.

Yes. This. A thousand times.

"the woman is public property" This. Good lord, this.

<3 this.

Thank you, especially for mentioning the part about bad skin. I have a ton of make up free feminist friends and I always feel like such a bad feminist that I don't join them, but I have acne scars and pretty much permanent (going on 5 years now) redness in my facial skin and dude, I have to wear foundation daily or I

Word. Also I just discovered the phrase "full face o' slap" this year and I have no idea how I've gone without it for 28 goddamn years.

Ugh, my husband has super shitty long hair. I fucking hate it. It's better now that I convinced him to stop using the "only shampoo once every week or 2, but use conditioner every day" method. He did that because a girl in his grad school did that and she also had long hair, so I guess he figured you should do that

I once dated a guy who was having a hard time with his (kind of short) hair sticking up more then he liked. I suggested he use conditioner. His Mother and Sister told him he was gay for using it...

This. Christ, guys, you can't look how you think you look and not use "girlie" products. You can't have both worlds. If you want to grow your hair out and look like a fucking beast—fine. Some of us are into that. But if you want it to be all movie-hero sexy and silky, then you have to invest in products. The male

Can we stop treating this as a zero-sum game? (Addressing some of the responses I'm seeing, not Lindy.) I say this about patriarchy all the time, and I'll say it about weight policing and beauty standards:

Yeah, my ex definitely tried to strangle me while I was naked and getting into the shower. Now of course, the fight was because the fool was drunk and is awful at handling his liquor.

The one true downside of the e-reader.

Ugh. I know plenty of idiots that can read and own books.

There are very specific guidelines for having interns that absolutely revolve around what you're saying - gaining valuable experience. Most internships still fall short of this.

I'm realizing right now a lot of companies that are hiring will not factor in internships as experience unless they explicitly state: "internships ok."