
/random story about Dolly Parton

She's a troll, a rather long-lived one in fact. Mistreating customer service workers, and then sharing these stories on Gawker and Jezebel, seems to be one of her favorite activities. She lives up to her name, at least. I really do not know why she is complaining about tipping, though; she doesn't pay for her meals at

Hey, I remember you and your little stories. You prefer to dine and dash. Isn't that right? Oh, and needlessly yelling at Bebe employees is also among your finer behaviors toward customer service workers.

Ugh, you really are the worst.

Can I just say that everyone is super glad when you "turn around and walk right out?" Your friends probably hate going out to restaurants with you. Unless they're just as awful.

If you receive service bad enough to tip $0, then you should by all means complain to the manager. Writing snotty notes on the receipt means the waiter, whether or not they knew they were bad or not, and whether or not they deserved it, will write you off as a bitch. If you actually voice your concerns you will be

You believe that a tip is "something extra," but you are WRONG! In almost every state, servers aren't paid minimum wage. Tips are their livelihood.

If you don't want to "pay extra" for service, don't eat out at a restaurant. It isn't something extra, it is payment for service rendered. You're paying them for serving

A tip is something extra? Wow. You really don't understand squat about food service, do you hon'? In 43/50 states servers are actually paid less than minimum wage. Please do educate yourself snookerpumpkins. http://www.dol.gov/whd/state/tipp…. Enjoy eating lots of server/cookstaff spit. I'm sure you're used to the

"some deserve zero and a snotty note on the receipt."

This could be my relationship.

Actual, honest to goodness conversation with Mr. Barge:

Comment of the motherfucking Day.


glitter herpes!!!!!!! I love it!!!

That's terrible. It sounds like it's similar to the way sexual assaults are handled on Native Reservations in the US, because each reservation is technically a sovereign nation, so the state or county policy of the surrounding area have no jurisdiction and crimes like that go to the FBI. It's terrible.

I believe the proper term is "fucking rank".

Oh my dog, you win!

The *fucking rank.