She handled it better than me...I would have just simply said..."well I find your face to be indecent, but luckily state law allows us both to be here."
She handled it better than me...I would have just simply said..."well I find your face to be indecent, but luckily state law allows us both to be here."
I'm asthmatic. Nothing sets it off like smoking- not auto exhaust, exercise, anything. However, as long as I don't have to walk RIGHT THROUGH it, I'm fine. Living in a non-pedestrian-heavy town (Wichita, KS), this basically means keeping smokers away from doorways. No idea how this would work in a place like NYC…
"As a white man I am literally never ever bothered by anyone about anything."
Excuse me? No one else is raising my kid but myself and my husband. Just because a child goes to daycare does not mean the parents do not raise the child. Where are you getting this ridiculous idea? We are the ones still responsible for educating, feeding, clothing, and teaching my child.
Oh, wow. Shall we go down the list of Fuck You, Tracie?
Atlanta too! Like how am I even going to get there? Should I Crocodile Dundee my way across the tops of rush-hour-stuck cars?
Here's an hour long lecture of his explaining exactly the differences between the typically autistic brain, the typically male brain, and the typically female brain. Almost all of it is strong evidence being built up to reach his conclusions rather than the other way around, which is refreshing for a discussion on the…
This same researcher has found that it's not about socialization as gender-based differences in social responses occur in one day old babies, the earliest they can ethically test for such responses.
Gah, I mean...It was not even a boy so you might have the tiniest straw to grasp at? A girl may see boobs? The horror!
Ha! you never know. Maybe she never looks down in the shower. Best to have the flight attendant determine what make her uncomfortable and make her move. You know, for her own good. If we don't stop it now she might grow up to breast feed one day herself!
Agreed x1000. Friday weddings are the WORST. Even if you don't have to travel, you have to somehow get dressed up and go to a party on an evening when you had to wake up at 6am. You know how much I feel like putting on a nice dress and redoing my hair and makeup on a Friday after work? NOT AT ALL.
But here's the thing. A good percentage of them get uncomfortable when you call them on it. Like when I got groped on public transportation, I caused a scene. The guy got totally ashamed and denied it. When a stranger asked me out at work in front of coworkers, I didn't say anything and then said, "Wow. That was…
"Tasteful" is tabloid code for "small". Just like "charming" is real estate code for "small".
The typical reaction I receive when I answer the oh-so-common “what are you doing this summer” question: Wide eyes,…
My step-son has a high-functioning mild form of AS, and when he got into middle school and the hormones hit and he began noticing girls, we had a slightly similar incident happen. He was friends with this girl that developed into a crush and he ended up being really annoying and overbearing (but only at school, it…
They're getting a fondue set with no receipt and no indication where it came from. It will be one of three my wife and I received 28 years ago and never opened.
A bit off topic, but I think Mod Carousel sounds better than Robin Thicke. I would much rather hear their version on the radio than his. Anyone else with me?
Awesome video.