
So men blaming women because they know nothing about the fathers' role in providing the chromosome that determines sex is just the story of the ages, innit?

Part of it I think is also that when people have children, when those children are babies, they think about that baby's future. They want the world to be the best place for that baby when he or she grows up. And for girl babies, that tends to mean voting more liberally.

This is exactly what happens to me! I asked my husband if it embarrasses him when I complain about stuff, because he never makes eye contact while it's happening, and he said he actually loves that he can depend on me for it. He just can't deal with it himself.

So true. Wish men didn't have to have daughters in order to empathize with women :-/

Try Boden. Their stuff is extremely similar.

Very well said, thank you! I'm one of 3 daughters and my dad always told us that he wanted daughters and it showed. My dad was the dad that both did our hair AND taught us how to mow the lawn. He played barbies (although between the 3 of us we only had a total of like 4 barbies, we all preferred toys based on the lion

This is just such an amazing comment. Speaking from personal experience with my Dad (who is seriously the best Dad ever) and my older brother, both were never much into discussing things like politics or social issues, much less gender dynamics, misogyny and feminism. Then my younger sister and I hit

You are a smart person. This exactly why I was telling my husband yesterday that the last Indiana Jones movie would've been so much better if Jones had a kick ass daughter. (I know, way out there, but when I was little, my dad would play Indy with me- I was Indy and he was whatever 2 n it character I told him to be. I

I'm glad you're here. Some men still treat their little girls like dainty princesses that will make a "good wife" someday.

What a fantastic comment! As a woman who had a really extraordinary father, I wish more men could see the strengths and awesomness that exists in the females around them like he did. Not all men will be fathers, and less still fathers of daughters. But I'm still in love with your comment.

Everyone else has said it already, but yeah. Perfectly said. Took the thoughts out of my head and wrote them down way better than I ever could have done.


*Reads awesome comment*

Completely agree! Well said.

Really nicely put.

I think I'm in love with you now. #COTD

Right??? I'm fully aware of how often I don't see my mom and how soon she's going to die BECAUSE SHE TELLS ME ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

I have kids with special needs as well, I didn't CTFD and I was right. Sometimes all this parenting blog advice is fine for kids who are on a "normal" path and not so much for us parents/kids who aren't.

I had sideburns and back hair!!!!