
Two words: cheat day. The thing I've noticed about people I know that turn into Health Nazis is that they never cheat, like ever. And on the rare occasion that they do, they beat themselves up over it. Your husband with his fear of relapsing back into eating fast food is a prime example. If he'd just let himself

You nailed it! Someone with a healthy relationship with food can sit with someone who's eating something unhealthy & feel no need to indulge in that food - it makes sense that the person calling everyone else out for indulgent food is teetering on the brink of caving in & eating all of that & more. They need everyone

I also think people in the same position as your husband was are really miserable in addition to being afraid. They're terribly glad to have lost weight but they miss their carbs and it makes them cranky.

Samesies. I was a strict vegan Nazi for eight months and being an asshole seemed to be my way of coping. I'm like 75% vegetarian now, but I keep my knowledge to myself unless someone asks. No one likes a know-it-all in any context.

I'd hold them them while you disembowel them with a rusty spoon.

I get free speech and all, but isn't there some way to charge someone for cussing out a SEVEN YEAR OLD trying to get from her home to her car? I loathe Halle Berry but this sort of thing makes me think her death-to-the-paps campaign is necessary. And I say that as a rabid consumer of tabloid gossip and related filth.

I'd feel a little stabby if someone said that to a kid.

Or you can lay in wait early one morning in camouflage with a shotgun and scare the living shit out of 'im, like my ex-Marine father did after a neighbor yelled at my sister and called her a bunch of names, some of them racist, after she had a — I shit you not — Barbie-playing tiff with his daughter. My sister was 8.

To the pain!

I like your style!

*crosses fingers*

Same! My son would HOWL. He was much happier to be held in a sitting position or carried (BabyHawk saved my sanity, cannot recommend those carriers enough). Once he could sit up on his own, our lives became much easier.

Hahah. This was my son, completely. He screamed like a banshee EVERY. DAMN. TIME. He only stopped that when he started rolling over.

We must have the same kids. I'm pretty sure my at the time infant daughter was calling me every bitch under the sun during tummy time.

I say this as a long time baby-wearer and generally crunchy mom: come on, girl. The judgey tone isn't adding anything useful to the conversation. You can say the same thing and not sound so smug.

Yes! I unfortunately had to fight for my raise, which involved going over my manager's head and was very risky. But I had gotten to the point where I felt like I was too old (mid-30s) and too experienced to go on being undervalued. And it worked! Since then my immediate supervisor has left and I have proven myself

Most definitely a biggie. Not the same thing, but I just got a job, and had one of those annoying questions "What do YOU think your salary should be?" I told him confidently why I deserved this salary level and surprise surprise, he gave me what I asked for. Which really made me think I should have requested more. But

One of my employees came in and asked for a big raise. She was 21 and shaking so bad. She brought in all of these papers or research to ask for a 25cent raise, since she hadn't gotten one in 4 years. I had taken over the department a few months prior and had been working on pay raises for all of them. I didn't tell

My roommate went to NYC just to see that. He floved it.

This. Seriously. I've got some good-old German heritage that makes 'em grow think & quick. If I don't shave every other day I end up scratching them half the night.