
Ugh, is your family my husband? Because that was my immediate answer too. He doesn't care that he doesn't know how to take good pictures because he really doesn't have much of a concept of whether a picture is good or bad, he just wants ALL THE PICTURES EVER. Squinty eyes in sun? Check. Tripod facing up? Check. Me

That's my Dad. If you try to solve it, he gets angry. But if it's a complaint about the gov't he expects me to solve it. I really can't win.

I just realized that about my boyfriend today. I was missing him and waiting for his call and when he finally does, I have to sit there through a profanity laden rant about an insignificant tiff between he and his boss. It went on and on like he had been fuming about it for two days and when I finally went to give him

Yep. That sounds like me. I fucking love bitching about shit without wanting a solution.

Kudos to your husband for venting in a healthy way.

I hear that "Girls look so much better without make-up" line so much, but I can't count how many times I've been complemented by these men for wearing "no makeup" and how beautiful we are without it when, in fact, I was wearing a good deal of it. When I literally wear no make-up, I just get asked "Are you tired?"

You know, as a formally religious Jew living in a town full of predominantly religious Muslims, I call bullcaca. Religious women DO wear make-up. They DO style their hair- even if you can't see it under the scarf, you bet your sweet tuchus it looks rockin underneath. Muslim women in the long robes the names of which I

Some of us are geeks that are also seamstresses and fucking love fashion and doing vintage hair. Being fashionable with great hair doesn't mean that you're a fake geek. It means that you have much better cosplay.

While I'm certainly NOT a hipster and have never been described as one, I do have my own fashion sense and nice hair. I've also played video games, read comics, made/reviewed horror films professionally, been a thriving member of many fandoms, had a star on io9, went to school for biology even though I'm an actor,

No. Because you know what? I love wearing dresses and makeup and heels, but that in no way means I can't like watching sci-fi and fantasy and movies and tv shows where women are the ones kicking ass. I'm sorry (except not really) if my personal fashion sense doesn't live up to some geek culture manifesto, but I'll be

But do you have to pick one or the other? Can't you have an interest in things like comics and gaming, yet also enjoy fashion trends and makeup? What exactly is the threshold for geek hobbies vs. other interests?

I'm a super-nerd (read, no date to prom, got voted "most likely to build the next supercomputer" in high school) and now I happen to be really into grooming and shiny hair, and prefer my astigmatism to be masked in fashionably ridiculous frames. What of it?

Some of us geeks get laser eye surgery so we don't fall asleep reading graphic novels with our contacts in or our glasses on. :-P

But...I wear contacts, and I have long, pretty hair (though not beautiful I don't think) and I am the biggest fucking nerd in the world. I don't think you have to be schlubby to be a geek, though I certainly used to be. Skinny jeans don't cancel out the argument I had, while playing SWTOR, about if JJ Abrams could

Not all geeks had glasses.

Hopefully that gets them to also actually be parents to the little brats they fathered. That's also brilliant of you, great job!

Thank you for acknowledging the lack of choice many low-income workers have in the matter. Whenever I visit these articles to mention how many times I've had to work sick (because my boss avoids hiring an additional employee, which would put him in the number bracket of having to pay sick leave) I get LAMBASTED by the

I wish I didn't have to see this shaming of a mother you do not know. Of her children that you do not know. Please tell me what is the difference of her wearing bikini top in this photo I took of her? How do you know how I set this shot up? i hope in the future you can practice compassion and non judgement towards

I lived with a Lebanese-Canadian girl in university who was born and raised in Toronto. Her parents were pretty liberal, and her mother did not wear a hijab. However, my roommate chose to start covering her hair when she met other, more religious students on campus, and became more religious herself. Her parents were