noticed that too. Stupid people talk like that. Fractured syntax, agrammatical. Hallmark of stupid.
noticed that too. Stupid people talk like that. Fractured syntax, agrammatical. Hallmark of stupid.
I am damned if I can understand why the press continues to do “chopper talk” at all. Many of his most outrageous whoppers are deployed during these things. It’s just egging him on.
Our whistle-blower needs to go to the press, and damn the consequences. With the evidence — transcripts, recordings. We need to know.
No. NO they fucking won’t. You can’t stab nine people in 30 seconds with a knife. No knife has a hundred round magazine. Bombs are much harder to make and deploy. GTFO with this bullshit.
That is categorically not true. Gun control has been a cause since Jim Brady was shot in the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan in 1984, and before. And the carnage in the inner city was always one of the arguments.
This is so fucked up. I am at a loss.
Obviously these things are grossly biased toward white men — who probably developed them for the most part. But the Corey Booker one made me laugh.
Jesus Christ, she sounds really, really stupid.
Biden was not misremembering and confusing what he said. Castro was so eager to pounce, he wasn’t actually paying attention.
I never said anything even close to that. And what you said has absolutely nothing to do with Castro’s treatment of Biden, which is the topic at hand.
Yes, that would be appropriate.
Being “mean” is in no way the point of a debate. the point is to demonstrate that your ideas, your vision, your intellect and character are superior to the others.
Good comment. Yes, it was certainly a slam against Biden’s mental acuity. And it was obviously also planned - Castro was just waiting for the moment to play it.
If he’s that feeble, it will become evident on its own, without other Dem candidates attacking him.
It ABSOLUTELY came across that way to me. He was just waiting for Biden to fumble a bit with his memory. Lying in wait.
Which he didn’t anyway, upon review.
I recognize myself in this essay. An artist who positions herself as another artist’s helpmeet, supporting their work and neglecting my own. Luckily I never fell in with a true charismatic narcissist who would utterly consume me in this way. Poor Natalie. She bears responsibility, too, though, for constantly…
Seriously. He’s the most competent, together character in the entire opus.
Bullshit. It was a personal attack, a calculated attack, and it was a low blow, and it was disqualifying. Did you not hear the gasps from the audience? Castro was obviously waiting for an opportunity to work that angle, and it was ugly and low. The consensus I saw on social media was that it was way beyond the pale.
Ajit Pai, I fucking hate that guy. Always so cheerful looking while he destroys the Internet.