
Mick Mulvaney.

Oh, gosh, looks like ol’ Milo is going to have to get a job. How awful for him.

I think you’re right.

Also he absolutely cannot stand to be challenged by outspoken women of color.

Chrissy Tiegen is the Queen of Twitter. No one can take her on there and survive. Not even Donald Trump.

In that case, it’s the DNC that is the lost cause.

My Sanity has definitely taken a hit these last few years. #Sharpiegate just carved away another point. Not Sharpie gate itself; that people are defending it.

Hopefully he’ll be dead by then.

He actually thinks he’ll win in 2020 and then run again in 2024, 22nd Amendment be damned.

Yes, I enjoyed that moment, instead of going down the rabbit hole of trying to grapple with Trump’s insane regulatory hacking.

It’s a JOKE. unlike Donald Trump, who ACTUALLY calls immigrants vermin. Have some perspective.

The human chipmunk sued you?

The weird cult upbringing and the conversion therapy were what did her in for me. Also glad she’s off the table.  

When I first saw a picture of those two goons, it just made me hate Trump even more, because it meant he was the kind of man who would raise those two mooks.

I’ll bet she’s spent her entire academic career out-maneuvering blustery men who talk over her.

Let’s be real -- what’s “off-puttiing” about Warren to certain people is that she is a woman who speaks in public.

They never will be. Trump inherited his fortune through fraud and tax evasion. Another bullshit fantasy like the Prosperity Gospel.

It’s true, they’re equal opportunity terrible.

I think Quasar is calling out the hypocrisy of Stephens trying to get Karpf in trouble with his university provost.

If the country belongs to “everyone,” it belongs to “Coastal Elites” too.