
I’d watch what I say about Barkley. You know what he’s capable of...

This needs more stars.

after some hardcore lobbying on her part...

“No incept date.” in the voice over version. A replicant that wasn’t engineered to fail. And it was suggested through various elements that Dekkard was also a replicant with the same engineering.

I have always understood that Rachel didn’t have the same lifespan.

The Wall(mart).

Dead Bath & Beyond

Hopefully there will be no further spin off products like Theon Sausage or Fry Meat Pies made from real Frys.

True story, I dated a guy who lived down the street from the ice cream truck depot in the West Village. Around 5pm, every summer evening, they all roll out as an adorably coordinated sugar-fueled cheer army. The jingles were always delightful because even though they were loud, they just sound like happiness.

I hope that David Price’s actions become the rule and not the exception regarding NFL trainers’ handling of drug abuse. Keeping his sexuality hidden from everyone, including his family, while battling a severe drug addiction is a recipe for insurmountable mental anguish. Really incredible and fortunate he survived and

The Outsports article is outstanding, and I’m absolutely thrilled for O’Callaghan that he has worked through his mental health issues. I hope he continues to thrive and, hopefully, completely puts his mental health issues behind him as his body heals physically, and I hope he can live the life that he wants, on his

Not the member of the 2005 Cal Bears some were expecting, but hey, good for him.

A moving story, and I think you could elaborate a bit more about Pioli’s reaction. Gained a lot of respect for him along with Ryan after reading this.

Congrats, Ryan, on being able to live your life the way you like. I hope this has helped you find peace and happiness.

Good for him, this was a courageous act.

I once had some guy who was like, “Man, why can’t we go back to the 1880s? America was basically the perfect melting pot.”

It could’ve been you, Hill. I will never stop being sad.