
Most of these things Microsoft pushes as features are just byproducts of the Xbox (recent and future) essentially being a PC with Windows 10 in a box, with a frontend for controller control. So yes, Xbox games should work on PC. Saves will likely transfer since the OS is not really changing, just the hardware.

Sony is mum on this because they didn’t think of doing this. Microsoft has made this cross platform play anywhere approach their central tenet for the xbox series x|s. People obviously have responded well to it, and Sony is caught on their back foot and is scrambling to put something similar in place as quick as they

It seems like both of these companies excel when there’s strong competition between them.

I’m not, since any half-competant person could verify the truth in mere moments using the power of the internet at their fingertips.

I agree with most of what you said, but I don’t think it’s as easy as delay the game again instead of crunch. Companies like that usually answer to investors, and they eventually want a return on their money. The game has already been delayed several times. I can totally see a situation where the investors are like,

This doesn’t seem like that big of a deal compared to what we normally hear about though. They’re having people work Saturdays for a while, which is a pretty normal thing for businesses when its needed. It doesn’t sound like they’re telling people they have to be there for 16 hour+ days or work 80+ hour weeks.

Same for John Lewis in Congress.

yep. by not playing it, she misses out on what is probably less than 5 bucks per sale and you miss out on countless hours of enjoyment with something you love.

if you learned all the bad beliefs of people involved in pretty much any form of entertainment, business, or consumption, there wouldn’t be much left for you to enjoy.

So you also don’t shop at Amazon ever, never buy anything at a supermarket? You know these places aren’t owned by very pleasant people either, right?

Yes. I love these CIS people pretending they are doing us some great good by not buying a game. Guess what? You’re not. 

Cool, I hope you don’t own anything produced by any company that’s ever done anything unethical. And you’d better get rid of most stuff that’s made in China.

Everyone’s gotta draw the line somewhere but we shouldn’t vilify anyone just for working on this game or purchasing it

I am trans, and if the reviews are decent enough I will for sure play this game. Look, I love video games. They are an escapism to me. The less they remind me of real world problems (Such as Rowling’s despicable comments) the better. I also love Harry Potter. If you want to not purchase the game, I understand your

I’m trans, you twit.  Boycotting something that can bring you joy doesn’t help me in the slightest.

JK Rowling is a leftist on everything except one issue. You think the right throws away “allies” as freely as you do? You’ll reach a point where youll have no one left to agree with except for your curated groupof friends. You can say I’m making excuses for her shitty opinions, but deep down you know evil shit isn’t

I’ve been looking forward to this game for a long time and I’ll definitely be playing it. Under no circumstances does that mean I approve of her opinions or even entertain the idea that J.K. Rowling’s tweets on trans people are acceptable. Everyone’s gotta draw the line somewhere but we shouldn’t vilify anyone just

No gymnastics necessary.  If the game is good, buy it.

I’ve never really been a fan of Playstations and always gravitate more to the Xbox. So grain of salt or whatever, but I don’t see much there that would get me excited, other than the continuing pain of not being able to play the Spider-Man game.