
No, no, nope.

It wasn’t about the ball. It was about destroying evidence when he murdered his cell phone.

PEOPLE SUCK. Can the haters just keep their pie holes shut once?

Roast in hell you fucks, how many lives have been ruined? Thousands? MILLIONS??. All for power and money...there ain’t no god, if there is she’s a monster.

Sounds like republicans to me. You know “screw you I’m making BANK”

Who the fuck CARES what was on her phone? It was her PRIVATE information. The little shit should be charged as an adult.

Waking up to a very wet pillow and a dry tongue after dreaming of giving an unknown some face. Recurring dream. Not for awhile tho.

Sorry, couldn’t resist.

And worst part? People believe every word. My fucking head hurts, I'm gonna lie down.

I apologize, that response was for another post...sorry. What I did say was that cops ARE the definition of first responders. And they certainly do get advanced first aid training.

I had knee surgery in 1977. This was when you could smoke in your bed. So I smoked a joint. Heard the nurses out in the hall talking about it and the one remark I remember is “If he does it at home, it’s therapeutic". A little while later a stern faced nurse came in to change my little garbage bag and she didn’t say a

But, but, but...PROFITS! USA! USA! USA! Get the godamned pitchforks, its way past time.

Stop taking asshole pills, you, and everyone around you, will be happier.

Man, those people are all kinds of fucked up. Sick, sick SICK. And all to pander for votes, vile.

The fat fuck doesn’t care, the people will pay, not him...so much for the party of “personal responsibility

Yeah, it's normal to dump your current for your ex? that almpst died in a whorehouse..."But, I love him"! *until he aint national news that is

Drops mic...

You need to read the story or get a heart.

2 cheaters playing? meh...

Victims?? wtf? it’s a goddamned GAME you moron. And those goons committed a CRIME. That doesn’t bother you at all? Victims, what a fucking joke.