
Giving free money to billionaires. Never could figure that one out. god, people are stupid

Jayzus that is ugly.

hey, irish, go wipe your tears with that fb money that you don't want to share.

So?, anybody pissed off is a greedy bastard. If the peen aint going in the mouth, who cares?. I've had wonderful sex without a blowie. I like em, of course, like any guy, but FFS if she don't want to...meh.

So, you'd be cool with me putting up a sign telling Christians not to come in?

And enemas of pureed food DO sustain you, and if you dress the right way you wont get raped, and if you wish it hard enough you wont get pregnant from rape...I weep for our society, that people actually believe this crap.

Lets see what YOU do if it was you on the receiving end. I suspect you couldn't hire a lawyer fast enough, oh call the cops fast enough.

I used to sit at the table as a kid staring at that damned sweet potato. My brothers and sister were out playing and I couldn't make that hideous thing disappear. So I would hide it on my sisters chair. Worked once. damnit. My mom finally gave up after I would never take another bite after that first one.

I used to sit at the table as a kid staring at that damned sweet potato. My brothers and sister were out playing and I couldn't make that hideous thing disappear. So I would hide it on my sisters chair. Worked once. damnit. My mom finally gave up after I would never take another bite after that first one.

I used to sit at the table as a kid staring at that damned sweet potato. My brothers and sister were out playing and I couldn't make that hideous thing disappear. So I would hide it on my sisters chair. Worked once. damnit. My mom finally gave up after I would never take another bite after that first one.

I used to sit at the table as a kid staring at that damned sweet potato. My brothers and sister were out playing and I couldn't make that hideous thing disappear. So I would hide it on my sisters chair. Worked once. damnit. My mom finally gave up after I would never take another bite after that first one.

Listen, Shirley, If I see a man hitting a women there is gonna be trouble. right quick.

you get a star for the Jimi reference. Lol

My mom had a chevette, I went to a girls house with a steep driveway...had to back out. burning clutch is so romantic.

Dang it! now I'm gonna have nightmares. Poor car. moron owner.

He's a dick, a tosser, a bloody arsehole.

I bought a 62 Rambler American on Maui in 85? Got it for 500 bucks That car was a TANK, I could haul 5 sets of scuba gear in the trunk with room for a couple of bodys left over. It was a great car. Sold it for 500 bucks 2 years later.

"Everyone here has made up their mind that spanking = hitting = abuse"

Forgot you?? I did laugh at that