
So, you're saying you lied, and calling other people liars is just what would be expected from a self professed liar. There are people like that guy in the world, and that's not a lie.

Hank, taxes on a servers sales are a certain percent ( not sure the % now) if you buy the 50 buck steak and leave 2 bucks, the server has to make up the tax out of their pocket. So, in essence, they are paying for you to tip like a douche. Now be the person you seem to be and explain why you will still make a poor

wish I could rec this 100x. thanks for the laugh. And 100% spot on about pats/genos, trash

'trucking unions? you must be a union hater, there are almost no union driving jobs anymore. Dude, we need MORE unions, I have been driving for 22 years and not 1 of my jobs was union. Now I have no pension, no savings, been let go for getting hurt on the job ( "but they cant do that! I heard from countless people)

If anybody thinks that robot trucks would make products cheaper, be anything but killing machines. I got a bridge to sell you. Companys would LOVE to get rid of those pesky drivers, just think of all the extra cash for the desk drivers. The only 'middle class' type wage out there is truck driving.

What the school admin. doesn't have daughters? It should be a police matter, always. It's a god damned crime.

It makes me sick that all you rambos would know what to do. BS, you'd be dead. So put some ice on that shoulder you sprained patting yourself on the back with, and have some sympathy for people who died because a multi billion $ company was too cheap to fix a problem that murdered people.

No sympathy? For a defect fucking gm knew about and HID?? People died and you don't care, course if it affected your life you'd be screaming, wouldn't you? You make me wanna vomit.

The threat of your family getting killed, should you not perform, is a great incentive to ,well, perform.

What? they don't make black label anymore? Oh, and BEER beer, generic white cans with 'beer' for a label. And the worst beer in history? BILLY beer, god it was so vile our alcoholic friends left half empty cans...

Guy moved into apartment, brought BIG GODDAMNED spider (didn't tell us beforehand) He comes to us the next day and tells us he cant find it. I moved that day. I HATE SPIDERS.

Huh, mega-rich old guy...yeah I'm just in tears on how he will get along...sheesh.

Goddamned barbarians. Join us in the human race.

Put down the bong. cherry is dead last.

Rome is a douche.

I worked, as I did 6 nights a week, didn't even know I missed it till my friend said something about it afterwards. Ma needed the help to keep a roof over our heads.

I've got something in my eye. Brilliant

I have driven miles to find a safe place to turn around. Drove a big truck for 22 years and never did this, not even close.

We see again that politicians don't give a shit about the ground pounders.

"Cheapest of the lot was the no-frills Chevette Scooter, whose $2,899 sticker didn't even bring a back seat or glovebox door. Only 9,810 Scooters were built, versus 178,007 regular hatchbacks."