
A rule is a rule.

HUH? bonds is a cheater. He is NOT the home run leader.

People will throw stuff down within feet of a trashcan. You know, it's too hard to go an extra couple of feet.

Yeah, it's the BAR'S fault. Man, you know how stupid that sounds?

Of course, YOU would be the rock, the picture of diplomacy when people are screaming at you. sure, and unicorns are real...

ty very funny

Restaurant on the beach in Maui. You can see the ocean. A couple ask how high above sea level are we. I look at the ocean and then at them and tell them " I don't know about you, but I'm about 4 feet" Tourons put their brains in a box at the airport...

How about a breakfast food that made me leave without breakfast?

Shift key broken?

Oh, a grm knockoff.

68 caprice in a bimart parking lot woman sitting in it.

The hole and texture gave it away. I said brake rotor...or brake pad...D'OH

  • Oh sure get 2oz of meat from a blue crab, then come to Oregon and get a dungeness

unless you were born before 57 you are, now go away kid...and stay off my lawn.

Old guys?

Sad, Something broke...steering? they need to test the puddle of fluid found.

it's what tech geeks like us love about it—but it's might be a little overwhelming to the non tech-savvy crowd.

ANOTHER danged waste of money...BOLLOCKS bad news keeps you in a bad state.

Let me see you do it shane, I'll beat your punk ass down.

OH BOO-HOO some rich guy has to spend money he wont even miss...BFD