
15 years ago, I enjoyed hooning my K-car. There was a bump on a decent stretch of road, and I'd pick up enough speed to get some air. I'd do it all the time. One day, I had 4 people in the car, and took them over the jump. We bottomed-out, and I didn't think too much of it. Turned out the landing scraped off the oil

I'd like a list of all their monitored words/phrases, so that I can construct a short story / paragraph using those items.

I uploaded all my music to Google Music. Before I uploaded, I went through my entire collection and ensure all the ID3 tags were proper, along with album covers. It took a few days, but I got my 40 gigs of music up, and it's nice and sorted, offline and online.

I'm running a C2D + 5770 @ 1680x1050 with no AA. It runs great. This is not one of those games you need to upgrade your system for.

Fat isn't what makes you fat. It's the carbs! Bad science has caused fat to be the enemy. For more info, I recommend heading over to Youtube, and search Fat Head movie.

When I discovered Google Music, I, immediately, uploaded my collection of MP3s. 6,000 songs, and 2 days later, I see the mess that my collection is. So, I deleted everything, and went to work on cleaning up my collection. Mp3Tag and Google Images, for covers, was all I needed. I ensured consistent tags, especially

My retired parents run multiple Windows machines without any problems or viruses, but that's because I taught them how to be safe on the Internet, just as they taught me how to be safe in the real world. They don't call me every single time they have a question, either. They'll just compile a list of issues and

Not even Kirsten Dunst's boobs could save that movie. They tried, but no.

Now playing

If you're a Simpsons fan, be sure to check out the episode of Inside The Actors Studio with the cast of the Simpsons. Dan Castellaneta, Harry Shearer, and Hank Azaria are incredible!

I got familiar with the iPad, when I borrowed it from my office for a week. In addition to the annoyance and limitation of onscreen touchscreen controls, consideration should also be given to the weight of something like the iPad. That mother gets heavy!

Adios results from www.experts-exchange.com. Take your subscription and shove it.

I saved that IMEI page to an HTML file. It can be downloaded from here: [www.box.com]

There's a time and place to give your photos effects, and that's called post-processing. I always like to have an untouched original. Then, I can put whatever effect I want later.

VI for the music, characters, and story. I remember my first play through back in grade 10, and got blown away by how awesome it was. I played IV, and I enjoyed that a lot, but somehow VI became my unsurpassed favorite.

Here in Vancouver, you'll see a lot of Chinese ladies driving around their $100k vehicles that they can't park, while wearing a sun visor. Being dark = being lower class, and that can't happen when you're trying to appear rich and educated,

Chinese will order it for "face". The culture is all about how you look to other people. The cost of shark fin is a, "look how prosperous I am," sort of thing. The fins don't taste like anything. The broth is where all the flavor comes from.

Flash is the big feature for the PB browser. I get the same experience I would on my desktop, and no placeholders for Flash. There's some pretty cool Flash that one misses out on because they're trying to browse on an iDevice.

So, this is the OSX version of UAC?

Now playing

I think this is a good time to post this here. Brit Brigade performs the soundtrack to Megaman 2 while someone plays it from beginning to end on the big screen. It is awesome.

LucasArts should bring back all of the SCUMM games!