
My personal favorite has always been FF6. There is a lot of character development, and you are right there with them. The characters are fantastic, and the music is memorable. I went to the Distant Worlds set at the orchestra, a couple years ago, and i must have shed a tear when they performed "Aria De Mezzo" with

Or just use some random, common words and stick them together. See XKCD:

And this will be forever known as the beginning of the 2012 zombie outbreak.

I'd say you're just asking for it with that name.

Get some touchscreen gloves from DX!

For $199, I picked up one of these on Boxing Day (in Canada). Hardware-wise you're getting features that would be in the iPad range of pricing ($499+), so you're already taking a good, first step. Although a bit thin in apps, the OS is solid and fast. More apps are showing up in AppWorld. I figure, at a worst case

My mind is "full of fuck" from your stupid rant. If it was satirical, the delivery was horrible. There's no definitive Christian symbols. Call them holiday lights, if you're so friggin' offended.

Even though I don't care for MMOs, I still felt a twinge of sadness when the "Connection to SWG lost!" popped up.

I'm Chinese. It's in my blood to pirate.

See MVAR 4.04 - General Maintenance. ([www.bclaws.ca]) Just because you haven't been pulled over yet, doesn't mean that tinted brake lights are legal. BC is very restrictive on what you can do to your vehicle.

The vertical lines are from smoke rockets. They are for referencing the shock wave of the blast.

Everyone knows that if you get lost, you can always find East by staring directly at the sun.

Don't forget to include the monthly operating costs of a smartphone. That's, typically, a ongoing cost that you're locked into for a year or 3. Adding up all those months can buy a system or 2 and a bunch of quality games.

Chuck E Cheese was so awesome. Was. When I was a child, there was a Chuck E Cheese that occupied 2 floors. A whole floor was devoted to video games, and many tokens were spent finishing the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade game. The first floor were the animatronics, and prize machines, where you could

I use a toothpaste dispenser I found at a general store in Hong Kong. It gets, almost, every last bit of toothpaste. It's not very elegant or high tech, but it works!

The ability to resize a window from any side or corner is revolutionary! Microsoft should totally copy that idea :P

This reminds me of the days of CRTs when I tried to get my 14" to display 1280 x 1024 and up.

Assuming you're listening to MP3s @ 160Kb/s, then that clocks in at 1.2 megabytes/sec. ~14 hours of playback for 1 gigabyte of data.

Stencils and a fat sharpie.