
Also not how you human :(


I saw this over the weekend and died...And I’m just waiting for the first person to say, “ What does she mean, of course she has lips”...

I have so many friends who refuse to see spy (this movie specifically. They want to see The Boss and Ghost Busters.) for this reason. They think she’s playing the same character and they won’t listen to me when I say that Spy is ah-may-zing. Amazing. I will admit that it is similar (also I don’t care because it’s

And I will continue contributing to those box office numbers, because no matter how terrible the movie Melissa McCarthy almost always manages to make me laugh until I pee.

YEs a million times to this. She is so fantastic on the Walking Dead and conveys this really silent and steady power and confidence that is amazing to watch. I just love her to death. Michonne foreva!!

Along with Kara’s astute criticism above, there is also this: Zoe Saldana can’t act. I’m sure I’ll be taken to task by the teeming hordes of Zoe Saldana fans out there, but I think that there is enough objective evidence to support my opinion.

Great documentary! I’ve been a long time Nina fan, and I learned so much more about her from the documentary. Plus, as far as documentaries, biopics, etc go, I’ll support it if her daughter supports it. her daughter supported the documentary and won’t touch the biopic with a 10 ft pole. That speaks volumes.

Has Matt Damon weighed in on this casting issue yet?

So good! But it was weird to see her daughter justify her mother’s physical and mental abuse by her dad. ‘Mom like the violence. They were both crazy.’ It was weird! I was uncomfortable! But it was good.

Excellent. Ignore this movie and watch the Doc instead.

What did you guys think of the Netflix documentary, “What Happened, Miss Simone?”?

The beautiful, and incredibly talented Danai Gurira would have been my choice to play her...


everyday i lay in my bed and think ‘do i really need a job? how long could i pay rent for if i quit today??’

I disagree with that position. If a celebrity wants to use their position for political advocacy, that’s absolutely their prerogative and it shouldn’t be dismissed on the basis of “You’re a clown, dance for me you fool.” Some celebrities actually take the time to become very educated on their cause of choice and are

Khloé and Kylie think Chyna is desperate, thirsty

I think we all need to take a moment to reflect on how lucky we are that our in-laws aren’t Michael and Dina Lohan.

Lindsay is hungry to say relevant. Very very hungry. One might even say, hungry like the wolf.

Khloé and Kylie think Chyna is desperate, thirsty and playing with Rob’s head.