
I’m not even going to try to top this.

I disagree. Michonne was clearly disturbed by what was going down, but understood that it was inevitable and was going to do what was necessary for them to come out of it alive.

I did not get that Carol slept with Tobin the night before the assault, as Rob says. I thought they just kissed. What did I miss?

Carol’s treatment last evening has convinced me she gets the bat.

He went full Jules Winnfield right there, reciting that verse as he sent the Savior to meet Gabriel’s boss.

This bronzer is the best! It smells like money! Money that someone dropped in an alley and then somebody took a leak on.

Well to be fair, Cheryl Tiegs is sixty-eight now, a full 40 years older than the target of her preposterous sniping. I don’t want to hate on her because she’s no longer young and lush and ... jesus christ look at Ashley Graham’s FACE. Sorry, got distracted. Anyway. I will, however, hate on her for being a

he uses computers all the time. computers love him. he has fantastic computers, with many many friends.

“Accused Fake Teen Doctor” is my band name and none of you can have it, unless you want to be in the band.

I will never understand people that continue with posthumous biopics when the person’s family is against it. It seems SO disrespectful.

Watch What Happened, Miss Simone?, because a documentary is almost always better than a biopic—and this documentary is sensational.

Oh it’s most definitely a pre-civil rights and pre-sexual revolution they’re fantasizing about.

“Make America Great Again.” Nobody ever specifies what golden year they want to regress to.

Gas is 1.50 a gallon, a Clinton and Bush are/were running for president, the X-Files is on tv, a group of black students was just removed from a Trump speech based only on the color of their skin. Yes, I think we are going backwards. Is this what “Make America Great Again” means??

Are we going backwards? 2016 is a fucked up year.

How can anyone look at this, and the Trumpification of the country, and not see that something fucky is going on? There is a purposeful shift, and it ain’t good.

Kids these days with their bae’s and woke Daniels.