
He was also fantastic in To Die For, which is a criminally underrated movie.

His campaign funds are being funneled into his own businesses in weird ways too, like he pays himself to take his own jet, and to rent out halls in his own hotels. Just why?

I’m hoping for glow-in-the-dark puffy paint, personally.

It’s just so discouraging.

At this point, he can bemoan how terrible it is that he can’t drop n-bombs in casual conversation without people getting mad and he’d still win the nomination.

Trump doesn’t even bother me anymore. It’s his fan base that scares the fuck out of me.

Donald Trump is a really tough guy when he’s behind a podium and surrounded by thousands of morons.

Yes, the fucking Steubenville rape apologists have found a new cause. I saw this on pinterest and it was so right on about what happened:

A few nights ago an egg rolled off the counter and I managed to fumblingly catch it before it smashed on the floor.

She’s transitioning?

would that be a “social media manager”? hahaha, i bet there is a BS job at some Entertainment 720 type company you can jump into then jump ship when they start sinking.

Naming her child, in part, after Atticus Finch makes perfect sense: because we spent years thinking he was one thing and it turns out he was something completely different...

“ I’m here to celebrate black history.”

But he already bought the phone, so it doesn’t count. Just like his divorces and affairs don’t matter cause he wasn’t president then, and how he won’t spout such hateful rhetoric or use foul language or call women fat when he is president. Doesn't matter now. He'll be better once he is elected.

You’re forgetting that hypocrisy is a virtue in the GOP.

Meh. She should be more like this:

She’s baaaaaaack.

JACOBS! Dunh dun-dun!

huh? is this how humans behave? just asking for my alien friend. i’m trying to explain to him how humans interact with one another. this probably is not the best example.

But where is he getting the money for the physical space?! The actual practice?!