
My daughter was born that day. The anesthesiologist was inserting my IV when it came on the news. I told him that if Bush died while I was under not to wake me up because I didn’t want to live in a world where Dan Quayle was president. When he woke me up, the first thing he told me was that Bush was still alive.

Obummer is too weak to vomit on a foreign dignitary. Donald Trump will Make America Barf Again.

Second this. Bail for someone who has ALREADY FLED THE COUNTRY is nonsense.

Just think, if these people were poor, semi-mentally-incapacitated, and living in small town Wisconsin that kid would already be in jail for life.

She turned on him real fast, I bet he got to hear about how he distracted them with a dancing baby the whole ride home.

That’s an awkward car ride home.

I’m happy this show is going away.

My personal favorite Everybody-hates-Lori moment was when she was basically telling Andrea to get back into the kitchen instead of learning to shoot and stand guard.

Season 2 was a bit on the boring side, but I remember it most for Jon Bernthal’s performance as Shane as he became the type of man that Rick himself would later become.

Look at all those dead people..

giancarlo was on the wire?

Shlepping his own backpack, no less! I see 4th and 5th graders at my kid’s school who still rely on their Sherpa parents to carry their own shit.

Ben Carson delivered himself as a baby. He even snipped his own umbilical cord. Fact.

emma roberts and evan peters have an abusive/toxic relationship so thats sad that they are back together

Tea is toxic to amphibians.

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Fiorina is an idiot, but she’s not wrong.

You know what else is important? Understanding language, rhetoric, reasoning, argument, logic, etc.

I am so sick of this bullshit prioritizing science and math over the humanities. People who can’t evaluate argument, recognize propaganda or understand history and sociology are much easier to manipulate, even if they

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Anymore when I read about a Trump rally (or any Republican rally for that matter) all I can think of is this:

I dream of a day when our politicians don’t need to have bible measuring contests to be elected.