Moses Hightower

If they shut it down, it’ll get rebooted 10 years down the road by some jackhole who thinks it needs to be “more exciting” and I don’t need that kind of negativity in my life.

So no one is going to point out the escalating violence following an apparent suicide attempt (driving in front of a train after stopping at the crossing)?

It’s a winter league, and indoor stadiums are expensive 😬

God, hockey fighting is so incredibly dumb. “Let’s let our million dollar athletes break their hands punching helmets so they’re 20% worse for the rest of the season! So tough, very grit!”

If only there were a league where Pass Interference were already reviewable, we could see how it would affect play...

Just like Trump acts like what a dumb person thinks a rich guy is like, this move is all about what rich people think poor people will like.

To be fair, he was only listening to his coach.

And you have evidence that these problems are not studied, yes? Because the absence of results does not mean people aren’t trying.

When referring to the literal experimental treatment of using Botox for pelvic floor pain? Botox is also used to treat cluster headaches, and that was also an experimental treatment in Canada until very recently.

Totally legit! But I don’t think that’s what referring to the $4.25 billion male market implies.

NOTE: This is a tangent that is mostly beside the point of the article.

What’s crazy is that it’s almost legal! He picks up his dribble during the first step-back, those count as landing. The first step of the second step-back is technically a pivot; if he didn’t put his left foot down on the second step-back, it would have been ok 😳

This is a bad argument. It’s a combination straw man/false dilemma.


Amongst other reasons

Daymond’s tears were the realest. At least, I feel like they were, my screen had gotten all blurry for some reason.

I have to imagine that someone with that level of success would be able to manage something better than this JV level trolling, no? This is two credits shy of sophomoric.

Root for the Leafs? As a non-Toronto based Canadian, I must politely but firmly insist that I will see you burn in an eternal lake of fire before I root for the Leafs.

What, you guys don’t have “Adolf’s Klassic Kitchen Kooking” down there?