Moses Hightower

Because men are socialized to believe that women want sex, but for a variety of reasons, may need “convincing.” And even in these examples, the coercive sex was then followed by consensual sex, reinforcing the shitty behaviour.

You think he asked Ben to walk her to her room because she was afraid of getting mugged?

Ok, that makes sense. I just started overthinking it and worrying about misinterpretation, which is how I roll.

Hey everyone. I have a question for all of you, and didn’t want to derail conversation in a more topic-specific article.

Hard to believe real story - Pick Up Line:

Tom Brady had as much agency in his big shoulder as Kim K had in her big ass. Where the agency comes in is what they do with the aforementioned gifts.

“Genetic luck” or not, Kim K is a multi-millionaire because of her business sense. Tom Brady is famous because he was drafted by the right team and has a HOF coach. There’s a big difference between the two, even if, today, they’re kind of viewed the same way.

Oh my God, that idea makes my head hurt.

“Dehmlow, who declined to specify his relationship to Kathleen...”

Today, I learned that generational snipers are just okay players.

This is a bad argument.

Too bad he didn’t play a winter sport. All those Votto Sochi jokes, wasted!

Now playing

I know at least a half dozen people who got this beer company slogan tattooed on themselves in the 90s.

They back away from it because they don’t actually believe that abortion is murder. They know there’s a difference between an embryo and a baby.

It’s a weird, ironic mirror of mainstream culture - in order to gain acceptance in rap culture as a white man, you can’t be as good as everyone else, you have to be exceptional. (Important note: commercial viability is the opposite. I’m just talking about the slippery concept of “cred”.)

It’s almost as if that’s the entire point of the #MeToo movement.

Intentionally breaking the rules to directly score or prevent a goal in a low-scoring game is basically the definition of unsportsmanlike.

Because every intelligence officer that pre-dates the Bush administration says as much.

Never be ashamed of asking for help. We all need it sometimes. Good luck, brother.

When the established authorities routinely fail to act against serial predators, eventually people will lose faith in that authority and seek justice in other ways. If you want people to rely on an authority to exercise nuance, the people need to regain faith that the powers that be will actually protect them, and