Moses Hightower

Matt Barnes is that guy still getting into fights in his thirties. That guy is never not embarrassing.

Yeah, the takes in that article were sizzling like a fajita pan. Can’t criticize parents! At least he’s not a Deadbeat Dad! Maybe there’s something to learning about real life in a MLB locker room!

There's GOT to be a BETTER WAY!?!

That would be a silly argument, if that was the one he was making. I think you’re reading “a bit of a double standard” as weasel words for what you think he really means, when they make perfect sense if you take them at face value - not a true double standard, but just a bit of one.

“And for those who will surly miss the point of all this...”
The best kind of typo.

I thought demeaning objectification was also part of the point?

Yeah, this is a stretch. There is nothing about the shirt that implies a sexual context, so it can be about any number of social situations. This shirt is only problematic if you assume a whole host of things first: that this is a shirt 1) for men 2) directed at women 3) in a sexual context 4) regarding to consent 5)

Your reading comprehension is amazingly bad. Maybe someone can jump in so you can keep having the argument you think I’m making with someone else.

You’ll care what happens to this POS when he gets out and feels like using all the new tricks he learned from fellow POSes in jail. Seems self-defeating, but he’s not going to rape me so maybe I shouldn’t be so concerned. *eyeroll*

“Husband Privately Says Something Mean About Wife During Low Point in Marriage”

"A year is a long time."
"Frankly it isn't."
Wow, how can I argue with that airtight logic? You sure showed me.

Things you’ve gotten wrong in that reply:

I don't think the people complaining about his sentence are even putting that much thought into it. They aren't thinking about what is an appropriate sentence for his crime, and they certainly haven't thought about how he can be rehabilitated. They just want to see him punished, and punished harder.

It depends on the apology. In this case, it seems genuine. He owns his bad judgement and apologizes for his offensive behaviour (not “if” he caused offence). A bit more passive voice than I’d like, but overall a good apology.

I don’t mean to isolate you in particular, but I think people greatly underestimate the impact that jail has on people’s lives. Depending on a number of factors, he can probably expect to spend a year of his life in prison.

Bath towels? Bath towels?! BATH SHEETS, motherfucker.

God, these people are idiots. Maple water cures muscular dystrophy, not meningitis. Read a book, people!

One allegation? He married his stepdaughter. That's not an allegation.

Compared to what it was, it’s starkly diminished. He was starring in movies and dancing in Wrigley’s Doublemint commercials when the Rihanna case hit.

Now read it in the Paul Mooney voice.