
This guy knew exactly what he was doing. You stand in front of the tunnel durning the anthem, and expect not to be seen or something?? He could have stood inside the tunnel. The could have played the anthem in the locke room, if it was that important to him. No....He went out there because it was where he would be

Canelo Landed the bigger punches and stunned GGG more than one. He shrugged off every punch that GG landed, which were mostly jabs. He made him look silly swinging at the air time after time.

Rich people like toys... not a great reason, but a reason none the less.

Seems foolish of you to then ignore something that would have been “extremely useful” to you, just because it not made by The Church of apple.

What a story! What is the sound the a-10 is making in the video? is that the sound of the guns firing, or some sort of engine noise. Man is that thing Menacing!

Although you are correct, there’s still far more that designers can do to make their designs more interesting or beautiful to look at.

Yeah.... Samsung did this years ago. Come on people, get off the apple hype train.

Then you should have gotten a Samsung gear a long time ago. Apple is Late with this

Apple users are so stuck in their own world, they don’t realize that samsung has been doing this for years now.

Buy a Note 8 and get $300-$400 dollars worth of extras. A stylus pen, expandable memory, full waterproofing(not ip67), A better screen, a better camera, More flexible software, a headphone jack, Retina scanner, fingerprint scanner, gear 360 camera, Vr headset and on and on and on.

no fingerprint reader. Note 8 has one though, and a retinal scanner. Also multiple other ways to secure you phone based on you preference.

SO will they go the Porsche route and charge you more for Less?

So they are trying to make a Koenigsigg?

If Cardi is terrible than most rappers these days are terrible, she fits right in.

#1 DEvils

First gear: so in other words. “we diluted our product and played it safe in an effort to make more money.” Toyota builds bland and boring vehicles and was sales leader for along time so we started to emulate them. never mind the fact that our cars were always viewed as being superior (always!).

have only seen the show a few times, but the guy always seemed like a scumbag.

I gotta get off this computer and go do something like this

Dual clutch truly is the best of both worlds.

Trump serves the American people, he doesn’t rule them. as in all aspects of life, respect should be earned, not given.