
It’ my understanding that you can get on the power sooner in a FWD car. Since your not going to power oversteer, and the drive wheels reach the apex sooner. Also with additional grip from the weight of the engine.

The food situation was used merely to try and show that Sansa is “smart” and a good leader. It’s not really about John neglecting his duties. He had other pressing shit to deal with anyway, and left someone he felt was capable in charge. So really he was wise to entrust winter fell to her....at least so far.

this shit is beyond fake

He is no longer a reporter, he is an entertainer, and caricature of himself. I used to like him years ago, but he is a clown now.

Cormier did not challenge jones in there first fight. He just did not get beaten as soundly as some others. Jon Jones was at no point in danger in that fight, or close to loosing. Cormier just made it slight harder for him to dole out his usual punishment, and didn’t get knocked, or chocked out.

I could see it becoming a reality, but It will only be for the rich though. Helping a select few circumvent traffic while the rest of us sit in dispare.

Hardcore porn this is!

Hmmm what’s more idiotic...

Yeah....except for the fact that Sam is one of the most important characters in the story currently. He knows whats coming, has seen it, and is tasked with finding a way to gain an advantage in the coming war.

Maybe bran is staying at the wall so he can face the Night King.

Ramsey was far from unstoppable. He lost the battle of the bastards, then had his ass kicked one on one.

Im’m going to have to disagree. Those silver wheels look fantastic

Appears you didn’t read the it. He says the steering is sublime.

I love the AMG GT as well, but also appreciate the NSX.

Yeah so about that ford gt. You can’t even buy them which is ridiculous.

theres a burgundy one at the acura dealer by me sitting out front. Its absolutely stunning. People pull over to get a closer look regularly.

i suggest you visit an optometrist.

It would be foolish for LeBron to allow himself to be traded. The trade would rob the other team of its best assets.

I’m a bit confused here...this doesn’t look like a hatchback.......liftback maybe? any pictures of the rear end being open?

i now need a dash duck....