
This is not another phaeton. It’s the CC replacement. Totally different, far less expensive class of car.

Since when are VW maitainence costs the same as Audi?

No it doesn’t imply that at all. No one said there is a right way and wrong way to act if you were raped.

But how can you discount her behavior after the incident as meaning nothing? It doesn’t tell the whole story but it’s a key piece of the puzzle.

So now I have an attitude towards women? Thanks for classifying me and assigning stereotypical opinions I never expressed.

Very mature! Care to make an actual point, or are middle school insults the most you can muster?

Witness accounts are valuable in any and all cases, for all crimes. It’s highly likely that someone who had been raped would exhibit abnormal behaviors after said rape.

Can’t we ever allow an investigation to play out before declaring someone is absolutely guilty. Also Witness accounts are absolutely valuable in determining what happened. If you had just been raped, you might be acting a bit differently don’t you think?

Easy, Curry gone

What continues to amuse me is the steadfast belief that what the sixers did is even remotely different from what most rebuilding teams through history have done.

Don’t forget Lou Williams and Jrue Holiday. The sixers must have been nuts to let all those great stars go!

One more I had to add

Honestly you should look at a golf. It’s a superior car in a bunch of ways

Lack luster interior materials,  weak engines, and ridiclous tiers of option packages pushed me away from Mazda when I was in the market.

Jesus that thing is ugly......and I’m referring to the Benz.

Since when is the Mazda 3 the segment king???? The golf is a far better car.

That’s why I go golf because the focus doesn’t have a good DCT option. It pretty much stick or nothing

That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Not everyone wants to shout that they have arrived, or look like a boy racer.