Because we know it upsets you so.
Because we know it upsets you so.
You had me at “one part Northern Exposure”.
As a long suffering Bengals fan, I’m happy for Whit. If he played in a big market he’d be considered the best LT of his generation. Still unconscionable that the Bengals let him go.
He was just trying to deprive the baby of oxygen so it might grow up to become a Steelers fan.
Jesus Christ on a crispy cracker... I’d never heard of her before that dinner, and she won my undying love that night. She’s fucking fearless and brutal and that’s the exact sort of comedy/social insight I love and think we need more of. The Right (and a certain Tipper Gore segment of the Left) falling all over itself…
He also has a vlog out of the PNW where he sells gold-painted shovels.
After four reviews, just... oh my freaking god, we get it. You read Shirley Jackson. You liked Shirley Jackson. You really wanted this to be the TV adaptation of Shirley Jackson. Can we please move on already?
you pretty much gave away the game when you put the word racist in scare quotes.
The fact that this author responded so blithely to the floating man makes me lose about all faith in these reviews. Sure, it’s okay to view this partially through the lens of family trauma etc -- the show is set up for that interpretation quite clearly -- but give credit where credit is due: it’s a horror show, and as…
Considering how enraged you seem to be about this “disgraceful” behavior, you’d think you would know that wasn’t Kenney, but one of her costars from Shameless, that got the DUI.
I got the Murder House vibe as well, but I didn’t see it as a happy ending, more like a tragic one. The Craines and Dudleys all spent so much time fighting the house and in the end, the house still won.
Yeah, I’m enjoying the show so far and never expected a completely faithful adaptation, so the repeated “why isn’t this like the book???” is getting old...
As a former addict who literally was in this *exact same situation* if you change the genders (I broke away from from my rehab, cuz I was worried and had to find a friend, and I stupidly thought I would look after him and he gave me a kiss saying he’d be right back... and wasn’t) this episode really hit home.
Just started watching, I’m pretty pleased so far actually.
Are all of these reviews going to be devoted to bitching about the adaptation or lack thereof? Haven’t we s known for a while that the story was a lot different from the book and that they just basically adopted the setting?
I can’t argue with that at all. I really, really love the book and the 60s movie, but I’m sure can get over that long enough to evaluate this show on its own merits instead of constantly saying how the previous incarnations are better.
To that point, he says he’s “happy the #MeToo movement has slowed down a little bit...
two more things
On closer reading, a couple of things stand out as bothersome here: