
Where’s all the outrage over Dr. Nick? At least Apu is shown as likable and competent. Dr. Nick is woefully inept, a genuine menace. Also, he’s voiced by Azaria, too. And that.... might matter?

iiiIf you are the bus driver, or the camera man, or the sound guy sitting there half listening to this conversation, what’s the move? Alert the authorities? Stand up to this billionaire blowhard and tell him. “shame, shame”?

Hopefully secession.

Cancer is one of the worst things ever. But I don’t want him going that way. Too many good folks taken by cancer. He needs something more karmically fitting.

Nauseatingly accurate....

Conspiracies, yo. Alllll the conspiracies. Starbucks cups, Happy Holidays... now this.

They’ll do whatever they can to disrupt the celebration of our savior. Amirite?

Man, maybe I’m wrong, but this seems like something is missing. The excerpts noted deserve the criticism as they stand alone, but what was the actual interview? Any transcription of it available yet?

Pfft. Fuckin libs won’t rest, eh?

Whew! We can rest easy, America!

I’d be happy with that. I thought she was much better/more interesting as our OG Lenny than her portion of the Big Bad.

I suppose that’s been the format for decades, so... comfort? Familiarity?

Nice one, Data..

I was so nauseated by the phrase ‘our president’ that I almost missed the delightful term ‘cuntpickle’. Glad my gag reflex is improving.

So, what is the actual definition of ‘presidential’? Is Webster going to have to make some changes?

I’ve never gotten the impression that they aren’t reasonably compassionate folks. Given their resources, I’d be shocked if they didn’t contribute greatly to helping him in some way.

You’re right that they are putting themselves out there, and I don’t want to come off as critical of their actions. I just wonder how I’ll feel the next time this tactic might be used to defend someone else.

Maybe as the accusations mount, people feel it might be time to recognize that not all of these allegations are equally atrocious. That there can be varying degrees of ‘wrong’, and that it’s okay acknowledge that. So far, that kind of thinking doesn’t seem to be received very well.

Oh no! He was also played on/toured on all of REMs stuff after Hi-Fi. Hope he gets well soon.

What’s our current tally now? Anybody know? We could play a “guess the jellybeans in the jar” kind of game.