Phillip DiCucci

here are some deadspin writers who are BUTT

Hanging around long past his usefulness? What is this guy, a baby boomer in middle management?

I read there’s a whole caravan coming their way!

Liverpool fan here

It really stuck out

Of all the new characters introduced this season, that one piece of rebar at the end of this week’s episode is my favorite.

Dude, you should ask her out.

Joke’s on you, the Kings are going to sign Tony Durant. 

How did he get a hold of the lyrics from my debut rap album?! That’s clearly lifted from my track about stealing candy from Target, called “Hanfulla Mounds!$!

Give us a preview of the oncomedy!

Prestigious Awards: Any one that Messi wins.

You want Ruffalo in this too?

what a fresh take!

He’s distantly related to Fammmmdolph FittQlor. The Q is silent, btw.

Actually it’s Hitlor. Adolph Hitlor, the famous Dutch author.

Rushmore was really great, and the “O-R they?” line gets me every single time...but picking that above The Big Lebowski is some contrarian bullshit.

There’s the beef.

Yeah, but they're easily one of the 20 strongest teams in the EPL.

Think Krang from the Ninja Turtles. 

:::::::::::::::Does not make contact with invisible ball::::::::::::::::