
Thats what Zuckerburg did to start Facebook. Shouldn't he get the same sentence?

Agreed, that's an awesome... boot.

you sure don't come to Quebec often...

I always tought worms liked apples a lot.


We win here, we win there.

I think it's dam hazardous to use methods we don't understand. Just like nuclear bombs, it might offer lightning fast results, but we don't know yet what side effects it could lead to. Acid might as well give some good results, but at some point, I'm pretty sure any method used is burning some cells. I hope they also

Someone has to take that picture of Ballmers where he has his hands making "quotes" or "peace & love" and photoshop him this shirt:

They probably have theses guys working for them:

I think we're pretty much on the same page, with some small variations. I think I could live a healthy life living next to a dam (ok, maybe not in front of it!). I don't think I could live near a nuclear reactor.

Guess you should work for BP, I eard the "planning" wasn't that good last time something went wrong...

Dams in Quebec, Canada, are administered and owned by the public (Hydro-Quebec). We are also a "big" electricity provider for the upper states. Not saying a dam is the cleanest way to make electricity, but in my book, it beats a nuclear reactor hands down.

I guess South Korea

If you tape the wires independently, you won't have any short-circuit. The problem I see with this idea is that it might not look as "real" as this thing. The sticky part of the cable also has the larger rubber protection where it sticks, making it look real. Unlike a cable piercing a banana or a signed picture of

I have a nexus one and I'm pretty much pleased. If I had the choice, I guess I would pick a Nexus S for the NFC and front facing camera. Other than that, I have two things that bugs me with the N1: Battery and internal storage.

I think that depending on how precise you are, you could never stabilize anything at any exact number at all. At some point, you have to round the numbers. To me, 0,00000000005 is pretty much 0.

Street sweepers here in Québec are just the same. I think they waste even more 'caus they use water pressure to "unstick" dirt from the sidewalk. Looks like it uses lots of water. But then again, once the brooming(?) truck passed somewhere, it's clean. So at least it works.