
I don’t understand how you can vote for Obama and then the man that tried to oust him by starting that birtherism nonsense, and who is basically a white supremacist bred by white supremacists.

And I love what he’s doing ***to*** this country

A woman named Rose, who voted for Obama before voting for Trump, claims that the country hasn’t given Trump a chance.

I’m going with option B. He’s a liar who lies. It was never going to be temporary.

The sad truth is that Trump supporters genuinely believe that he’s absolutely crushing it and will rattle off a list of his legislative victories to support their belief.

I’ve never seen someone hit lame duck status with 80% of their term to go. It’s breathtaking.

The check for the wall from Mexico is in the mail I bet.

He did warn them they’d get tired of all the winning! He was also right about people begging him to stop…

All this winning must be getting exhausting for Trump supporters.

Trump, meet Streisand Effect.

This is a fail. There is no way this opinion is unpopular among car enthusiasts.

Any environmental argument:

Some stupid ass had linked a petition to Whitehouse.gov (not that I clicked, so could be fake) wanting to name and shame everydamnone who didn’t stand for the anthem. This fascist shit is getting out of control

NOW, Sanders? By all rights she should be fucked. But given the rate of things she’ll likely be just fine. :/

Just as it was illegal for Sarah Sanders to call for that ESPN chick’s firing, it’s illegal for Trump to call for the firing of a buncha sportsball guys. Shut this cocksucker up.

It wraps what are purely commercial endeavors in the shiny veneer of cheap patriotism. By allying itself closely with God, flag, and country, a sport can establish itself as an indispensable part of national life, while coincidentally raking in even more cash from the hard-of-thinking.

There have been some really interesting (and disturbing) articles written on the careful linking of professional sports to nationalist ideology/symbology and the armed forces. I’m going to try to pull some links and post below.

If a player wants the privilege of making millions of dollars in the NFL,or other leagues, he or she should not be allowed to disrespect.......our Great American Flag (or Country) and should stand for the National Anthem. If not, YOU’RE FIRED. Find something else to do!

i dunno.... they pledge allegiance to the flag before class... thats the kinda shit that tends to be reserved for places run by ruthless dictators..... america is bloody wierd... ill tell you wut

Genuine question: why does the National Anthem play before domestic sporting events? I understand playing them at like, the Olympics, where numerous different countries are competing against each other and it is kind of neat to hear each one, but when the Ravens are playing Patriots (for example) why do we need it?